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Urbanization and Structural Transformation

Sustainable urbanization is known to be a vehicle for national economic and social transformation. By sustainable urbanization we mean the transition of rural-urban landscapes that structure both rural and urban economy, ecology and society in ways that reward the present generation with higher quality of life but without endangering and diminishing the living standards of future generations.

This structural shift is underpinned by proper planning, supported by enforceable legal mechanisms and, by so doing, brings about rapid economic progress and the equitable development of citizens. When rural-urban shift is properly managed alongside industrialization and planned urban space, it tends to lead to higher productivity and, eventually, rising living standards and better quality of life.

Sustainable urbanization spawns cities that evolve into centres of change and innovation, mainly because the concentration of people, resources and activities support human creativity. However, research has shown that there are a number of countries that are highly urbanized without having seen a large shift of economic activity towards manufacturing and services in most developing countries. This phenomenon is discussed in this study.

Bamboo – a versatile building material for Kenya?

Nairobi, 6 May 2015 - The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), a founding member of the UN-Habitat-coordinated Global Network for Sustainable Housing, together with the Ministry of the Environment, the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) and the Kenya Forestry Service (KFS), recently convened a coordination workshop to discuss the development of an integrated national bamboo sector poli


The second preparatory meeting of Habitat III opens in Nairobi

Nairobi 14 April 2015—The second preparatory meeting (PrepCom2) of the Habitat III conference has opened in Nairobi with member states recognizing the growing role of cities in their respective country policies. The Secretary-General of the Habitat III Conference, Dr. Joan Clos, in his key note speech highlighted the link between urbanization and rural development.


Understanding Urbanisation. Monitoring urban dynamics in a fragile and resource-constrained context.

Understanding UrbanizationThis discussion paper highlights that Afghanistan faces a formidable 'data deficit', especially in terms of urban–disaggregated data.

The paper reviews the current status of urban monitoring and provides an overview of the pioneering methodology developed in The State of Afghan Cities Programme 2014/15 to gather more reliable and up–to–date data on urbanisation.

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城市与气候变化:政策方向 全球人类住区报告 2011 简 写 本 - GRHS 2011

城市与气候变化》一书审视了城市化与气候变化之间的联系、气候变化对于城市人口潜在的毁灭性 影响以及城市地区采取的应对政策和行动。全世界现在有超过半数的人口居住在城市中,城市化和气候变化的交汇有可能对经济、生活质量和社 会稳定造成前所未有的负面影响。然而,与这些威胁同时出现的还有一系列同样不可抗拒的机遇。人口、工业、基础设施以及社会和文化活动的集中,让城市成为了创新的熔炉,这些创新也包括制定出减少温室 气体排放的方法、改善应对机制、降低对气候变化影响的脆弱性等等。联合国人类住区规划署(联合国人居署)是城市问题的世界权威机构,它的这份最新报告阐述了城市 应该如何改善它们的运营方式以更好的应对气候变化,并为加强城市在解决气候变化问题上的作用提出了一些切实可行的对策。《全球人类住区报告 2011》是有关全球人类住区状况和趋势的一份最新、最权威的评估。该报告的前几期讨论的议题包括全球化世界中的城市、贫民窟的挑战、为城市住房筹措资金、加强 城市安全与保障以及规划可持续的城市等等。

‘Making room for a planet of cities’ - Shlomo (Solly) Angel, Stern School of Business, New York University

The lecture is based on the realization that the current urban planning paradigm championed in the United States and Europe—the Containment Paradigm, also known as urban growth management, smart growth, or compact city—is inappropriate in the rapidly-urbanizing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Instead, it calls for a new paradigm for coming to terms with rapid urbanization: The Making Room Paradigm.

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Cities and Climate Change: Global Report on Human Settlements 2011 - Policy Directions - ABRIDGED

Cities and Climate Change reviews the linkages between urbanization and climate change, two of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity in the 21st Century, and whose effects are converging in dangerous ways. It illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role.  

Read the full report here.