Leveraging Land in the Arab Republic of Egypt: The Potential for Increasing Land-based Financing for Urban Development

In March, 2015, the Arab Republic of Egypt launched its “Sustainable Development Strategy,” (SDS) Egypt’s vision for 2030. This ambitious strategic plan will involve:
• Reclaiming one million feddan,
• The creation of one million social housing units,
• Adding 4,800 km to the road network, and



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Egypt Housing Profile

The preparation of the housing profile for countries is the first step within the overall framework of UN-Habitat's Global housing strategy, which aims to place "housing at the centre" for national and urban development as an imperative for comprehensive economic, environmental, cultural and social development. Egypt's housing file uses a comprehensive approach to factors affecting housing in the country, from housing, land, and construction financing to institutional, organizational and cultural conditions. it provides decision-makers with the right information in order to develop an effective policy. 

The profile addresses topics including housing policies, housing stock and housing production in Egypt, as well as estimating housing needs until 2030, housing demand and affordability, as well as other critical topics such as housing financing, urban planning, housing provision and many other issues related to the housing sector. This report is the basis for consultations, which have led to the identification of the overall framework of the Egyptian housing sector strategy, which integrates the views of all stakeholders and stakeholders. 

UN-Habitat pioneers the use of Minecraft for the design of public spaces in Egypt

Cairo, 29 August 2017 – UN-Habitat in cooperation with Megawra (The Built Environment Collective-BEC) and Cairo governorate (Cairo Heritage Preservation General Administration) organized the first Minecraft workshop in Egypt for the participatory design of an open space in Al-Khalifa neighborhood in Cairo.



Egypt Documents

Abdeen Rennovation - Full Report

Abdeen Square Development; From yesterday to today

Al Maragha City Profile - Arabic

Al-Alamein New City

Berket Al Sabba City Profile - Arabic

Cairo, a City in Transition

Country Profile Egypt English

Country Profile Egypt Arabic

Greater Cairo Urban Development Strategy. Part 1: Future vision and strategic directions

Strategic Development of Greater Cairo - Arabic

Egypt Housing Profile

Egypt Urban Forum Flyer English

Egypt Urban Forum Flyer Arabic


The first Egypt Urban Forum 2015

For the first time in Egypt, the widest range of urban stakeholders from different backgrounds and mandates were given the opportunity to share ideas, experience, knowledge and expertise about how to promote a better urban development. The EUF was an important milestone in the preparation of the global conference, Habitat III, and the dialogue on the post 2015 Agenda. The EUF was composed of twenty-seven

