UN-Habitat country programme Mozambique 2018-2021
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UN-Habitat country programme Mozambique 2018-2021

UN-Habitat is the United Nations programme working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all.

UN-Habitat has been working in Mozambique since 2002. Throughout the past years, UN-Habitat has built a strong position in the country and has worked closely with the Government of Mozambique and its partners. Currently UN-Habitat is working with teams based in Maputo, Nampula and Quelimane on projects concerning seven provinces. During the past 15 years, amongst others, the following areas were supported: urban planning and infrastructure, disaster risk reduction, rehabilitation and advocacy for urban resilience, housing and informal settlements upgrading, improving access to basic facilities and various training, studies and policy development support to the Government of Mozambique.

Local Economic Development and Financing in Nampula-Nacala Development Corrodor in Mozambique

Local-Economic-Development-and-Financing-in-Nampula-Nacala-Development-Corrodor-in-MozambiqueThe underlying strategy of LED being recommended here is based upon identifying local resources, human, social, and natural that can be leveraged into economic assets. It is furthermore predicated upon the recognition that inclusive political and economic institutions create the opportunities that enable develo

UN-HABITAT Country Programme D
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UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Mozambique

The Habitat Country Programme Document for Mozambique outlines the main objectives and priorities of UN-HABITAT. In collaboration with the government and other UN Agencies, the overall aim of this UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document is to promote the Habitat Agenda. UN-HABITAT plays an active role in urban development and urban policy.

Through partnerships with various ministries, UN-HABITAT has assisted in identifying key urban issues and areas of support that can improve the urban situation in Mozambique. An analysis of eight key sectors include: institutional set up, vulnerability reduction, governance, urban planning, housing and basic services.


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Mozambique: National Urban Profile

Mozambique, which is located on the south eastern coast of Africa, has a population of 20 million. Emerging from a devastating civil war in 1992, the country has grown at an annual rate of nearly 10 percent. The post war recovery has been described as a success story. Mozambique, like other developing countries, is facing a new problem related to the new urban migrants.

Mozambique’s urban population is made up of 7 millions inhabitants. Most of the urban population in Mozambique live in informal settlements with no access to basic urban services. Mozambique has partnered with UN-HABITAT with the joint objective of improving the living conditions of the urban poor.

Mozambique National Urban Prof
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Mozambique: National Urban Profile - Portuguese

Moçambique situa-se na costa oriental de África, é um país com uma população aproximada de 20 milhões de habitantes. Saído de uma Guerra civil devastadora em 1992, o país tem crescido a uma taxa anual de quase10%.

A sua recuperação pós-guerra tem sido referenciada como um processo exemplar. Moçambique à imagem de outros países em vias de desenvolvimento enfrenta uma nova problemática, relacionada com os novos migrantes para os centros urbanos, a população urbana em Moçambique é constituída por cerca de 7 milhões de habitantes.

A maioria da população urbana de Moçambique vive em áreas de ocupação informal onde o acesso a serviços básicos é complexo. Moçambique é um parceiro da UN-Habitat com o objectivo conjunto de melhorarem as condições de vida das populações mais pobres.

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Mozambique Cities Urban Profile: Maputo, Nacala and Manica

Urban Profiling is a rapid, action-oriented assessment of urban conditions, focusing on priorities, capacity gaps, and existing institutional responses at the local and national levels.

The purpose of the study is to develop urban poverty reduction policies at local, national, and regional levels, through an assessment of needs and response mechanisms, and as a contribution to the wider-ranging implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.