The IPCC report on mitigation of climate change reckons that Net Zero is still possible

April 12th, 2022

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change released last week confirms that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have continued to rise…

UN-Habitat Global Public Space Programme announces the small-scale public space projects awards

April 11th, 2022

Nairobi, 11 April 2022 – UN-Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme, in partnership with the Block by Block Foundation, has announced the selected candidates for the 2022 fund on implementing small-…

UN-Habitat, partners call for more area-based approaches to urban responses to guide urban recovery

April 11th, 2022

Brussels, Belgium, 8 April 2022 – Officials from UN-Habitat, UN Development Programme (UNDP), the European Union (EU) and World Bank met in Brussels earlier this week for policy dialogue on Urban…

UN-Habitat and FAO issue policy document on Land Tenure and Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

April 8th, 2022

Cairo/Rome, 7 April 2022- In response to growing world hunger, propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, UN-Habitat and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have developed a policy paper on Land…

UN-Habitat course helps stakeholders with skills building in waste management

April 6th, 2022

Nairobi, Kenya, 5 April 2022 – UN-Habitat has launched an online, self-paced French course on municipal solid waste management system assessment methodology. The course Des données à un impact…

First National Urban Forum of Lebanon places cities at the heart of the country’s future recovery and sustainable development

April 6th, 2022

Beirut, Lebanon. 5 April 2022 - As part of UN-Habitat’s mandate to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities, the first National Urban Forum of Lebanon was held at the UN…

UN-Habitat unveils the venue for the Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum

April 4th, 2022

Nairobi, 30 March 2022 – Executive Director of UN-Habitat Maimunah Mohd Sharif announced today that the Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) will be hosted in the city of Cairo, the…

The Executive Board of UN-Habitat reviewed the draft work programme and budget for 2023

April 4th, 2022

Nairobi, 31 March 2022—The Executive Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, held its first session of the year 2022 in a hybrid format from 29 to 31 March in Nairobi,…

UN-Habitat, ICLEI discuss nature-based solutions during MENA Climate Week

April 1st, 2022

Cairo, Egypt, 1 April 2022 – Experts from multiple countries, UN-Habitat officials, and partners this week exchanged ideas on multi-functionality and socio-economic benefits of urban nature-based…

Integrating urban-rural linkages in planning and policy a catalyst for sustainable urbanization in Africa

March 31st, 2022

Conakry, Guinea, 31 March 2022 — A workshop organised by UN-Habitat has offered officials from four African countries a forum to discuss the state of urbanization and relevance of urban-rural…

Youth Partner with Cities to Achieve the SDGs by 2030

March 31st, 2022

Two countries, 3 cities, 175 youth participants! From March 1 to 15 2022, the Youth 2030 Cities project hosted three Forums in Latin America, bringing together diverse youth to discuss the most…

Nepal’s centuries-old heritage settlements get a revamp

March 31st, 2022

Lalitpur City, Nepal, 31 March 2022 – Nepal’s Katmandu Valley is home to seven world heritage sites and over 50 heritage settlements -- old towns characterised by a typical pattern of compact row…

UN-Habitat helps south-eastern African countries build urban resilience

March 31st, 2022

Zomba City, Malawi, 29 March 2022 – As nations continue to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic, southeastern Africa has been rocked by a series of back-to-back storms. On the 23rd of January…

Asia-Pacific states send strong message of commitment to the New Urban Agenda process

March 29th, 2022

Bangkok, Thailand, 28 March 2022- Representatives of 25 Asia-Pacific countries have set the tone for leaders from other parts of the world meeting at the United Nations General Assembly next month by…

The Executive Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme meets in Nairobi

March 29th, 2022

Nairobi, 29 March 2022—The Executive Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is convening its first session in 2022. The session takes place in Nairobi, Kenya from 29 to…