
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
In a world grappling with crises, cities emerge as pivotal agents of change. UN-Habitat’s 2023 report underscores the urgent need for urban transformation to tackle issues ranging from climate change to inequality,… Read more
Global Report
Rescuing SDG 11 for a resilient urban planet
The current report shows that the world is off track in achieving SDG 11. Rescuing SDG 11 is urgent for the sake of present and future generations. The report points to the immense opportunities that exist and the… Read more


Regional Report
Crisis Resilient Urban Futures - The Future of Asian & Pacific Cities 2023
Global Report
Cities and Pandemics: Towards a more just, green and healthy future
Regional Report
Regional Assessment on Urban Vulnerability and Resilience in Southern African Development Community Member States
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk – A Guide for Community Assessments, Action Planning and Implementation
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Supporting Safer Housing Reconstruction After Disasters - Planning and Implementing Technical Assistance at Large Scale
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Settlement Profiling Tool
Sustaining Urban Water Supply under Climate Change: Lessons from Selected Rapidly Growing Cities in Southern Africa and China
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Sustaining Urban Water Supply under Climate Change: Lessons from Selected Rapidly Growing Cities in Southern Africa and China
Water is the basis for life, and meeting water supply demand is a global challenge, particularly in developing countries. In 2020, it was estimated that two billion people lived in water-stressed regions with no access to a safely managed drinking water service on premises, available when needed and free of contamination. This condition is expected to worsen in some regions due to climate change and rapid population growth. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020 estimates that…
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Designing for Displacement:  A Spatial Guide for Planning Along Seasonal Rivers in Drylands
Technical Report
Designing for Displacement: A Spatial Guide for Planning Along Seasonal Rivers in Drylands
This collection showcases Nature-based Solutions tailored for the unique challenges posed by seasonal rivers within contexts of protracted displacement, particularly within the arid and semi-arid landscapes of East Africa. Drawing on traditional practices, it champions resilience by advocating for spatial planning and design strategies to foster sustainable land and resource management with parallel avenues for economic development and livelihood enhancement.
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Building Climate Resilience in Mozambique - the case of Safer Schools
Technical Report
Building Climate Resilience in Mozambique - the case of Safer Schools
This publication starts with a description of the country’s overall natural hazard exposure and then focuses on human settlements’ vulnerability in Mozambique (Chapter 1). In Chapter 2 it describes the first milestone of UN-Habitat’s activities - the establishment of the Living with Natural Hazards approach - and its implementation through pilot demonstration buildings. It also gives examples of the construction interventions and methodology adopted in the Participation, Awareness and Didactic…
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China Waste Wise Cities Good Practices: Series I cover
Technical Report
China Waste Wise Cities Good Practices: Series I
As China's economy develops and urbanization accelerates, the urban population
continues to increase. By the end of 2022, China's urbanization rate will reach 65.22%.
As a result, the total amount of waste generated in the process of urban production
and living also grows gradually over the years, and the coverage of waste collection
and management continues to improve, with the composition of the waste and the
treatment system becoming more and…
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Unlocking the Potential of Cities: Financing Sustainable Urban Development
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The Critical Role of Nature-based Solutions for Enhancing Climate Resilience in Informal Areas
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
The Critical Role of Nature-based Solutions for Enhancing Climate Resilience in Informal Areas: An Urban Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines on National Adaptation Plans
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Future of Asian and Pacific cities cover
Regional Report
Crisis Resilient Urban Futures - The Future of Asian & Pacific Cities 2023
The Future of Asian & Pacific Cities Report 2023 entitled, Crisis Resilient Urban Futures, is a comprehensive analysis and assessment of sustainable urban development in the Asia and Pacific region at a time of great disruption and uncertainty resulting from multiple interlinked global crises in a post-pandemic era.

This report aims to provide valuable insights into the spatial, economic, social, environmental and governance aspects of cities, offering holistic policy…
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Kakuma Regeneration Strategy: Enhancing Self-Reliance for Refugees and Hosting Communities in Turkana County, Kenya
Technical Report
Kakuma Regeneration Strategy: Enhancing Self-Reliance for Refugees and Hosting Communities in Turkana County, Kenya
The Kakuma Regeneration Strategy promotes economic growth, sustainability, self-reliance, and integration of hosts and refugees in the new Kakuma Municipality in Kenya. It offers a path to overcoming economic, environmental, and socio-cultural challenges through physical revitalisation, improved governance, and a transition away from traditional models of hosting refugees in camps.
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International Sustainable Community Achievement Case Collection of Shuangjing, Beijing, China
Technical Report
International Sustainable Community Achievement Case Collection of Shuangjing, Beijing, China
This report summarizes the Shuangjing Sub-district's best practices on how to implement SDG11 at the sub-district level. In 2019, the China Center for Urban Development and the UN-Habitat conducted the International Sustainable Development Pilot Community Assessment for Shuangjing Sub-District of Beijing, China. Shuangjing summarized relevant policies and practices to research the objectives of the UN SDGs, especially Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Shuangjing proposed to…
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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