Multilayered Vulnerability Assessment Handbook - Resilience planning for urban, biodiversity and climate action
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Multilayered Vulnerability Assessment Handbook - Resilience planning for urban, biodiversity and climate action

The Multilayered Vulnerability Assessment (MVA) tool has been developed under the UN-Habitat RISE-UP flagship programme. The purpose of this tool is to help communities, cities, and local leaders to map and assess multilayered vulnerabilities more comprehensively. The tool addresses the nexus between climate change hazards and risks, urbanization and spatial trends and characteristics, and biodiversity loss and land degradation to identify vulnerability hotspots arising from spatial overlaps and conflicts.

The MVA aims to:

1. Establish a spatial narrative to enhance understanding of the intersections and interconnectedness between climate risk, biodiversity loss and urbanization in cities, urban areas, and communities;

2. Provide local leaders and urban and climate change practitioners with a simple, practical and replicable tool for mapping and assessing urban, biodiversity, and climate change

vulnerability hotspots, their intersections, and the specific people, infrastructure and ecosystems most at risk;

3. Produce targeted urban and local climate change adaptation strategies, plans and actions to build systemic climate resilience of vulnerable cities and communities based on mapping and analysis insights.