
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
In a world grappling with crises, cities emerge as pivotal agents of change. UN-Habitat’s 2023 report underscores the urgent need for urban transformation to tackle issues ranging from climate change to inequality,… Read more
Global Report
Rescuing SDG 11 for a resilient urban planet
The current report shows that the world is off track in achieving SDG 11. Rescuing SDG 11 is urgent for the sake of present and future generations. The report points to the immense opportunities that exist and the… Read more


Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Slum Upgrading Legal Assessment Tool
Technical Report
Slum Almanac 2015-2016
Technical Report
Bridging the Affordability Gap: Towards a Financing Mechanism for Slum Upgrading at Scale in Nairobi
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
A Practical Guide to Designing, Planning, and Executing Citywide Slum Upgrading Programmes
Global Report
The Challenge of Slums - Global Report on Human Settlements 2003
Technical Report
Prosperity for all enhancing the informal economy through participatory slum upgrading
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
In a world grappling with crises, cities emerge as pivotal agents of change. UN-Habitat’s 2023 report underscores the urgent need for urban transformation to tackle issues ranging from climate change to inequality, while emphasizing the pivotal role of cities in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
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The Critical Role of Nature-based Solutions for Enhancing Climate Resilience in Informal Areas
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
The Critical Role of Nature-based Solutions for Enhancing Climate Resilience in Informal Areas: An Urban Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines on National Adaptation Plans
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Strategy Paper on Nature-based Solutions to Build Climate Resilience in Informal Areas
Strategy Paper on Nature-based Solutions to Build Climate Resilience in Informal Areas
This strategy paper draws from research and project experience applying nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate resilience in informal areas to better understand the potential and challenges for upscaling implementation to reduce vulnerability, address climate risk, and contribute to sustainable development for the urban poor and the natural environment.
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baidoa city strategy cover
Urban Profile
Baidoa City Strategy
This document provides a City-Wide Strategy for Baidoa that defines a clear direction and provides a holistic vision of sustainable urban growth for the upcoming years. Furthermore, the City Extension Plan for Baidoa North defines a clear spatial development framework for the most critical

area of the city, and proposes demonstration projects and fast-track infrastructure projects to prioritize the urgent interventions within Baidoa.

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Executive Director’s Report 2022
Policy and Strategy
Executive Director’s Report 2022
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Technical Report
GLOBAL ACTION PLAN: Accelerating for Transforming Informal Settlements and Slums by 2030
The Global Action Plan is a technical framework prepared by key stakeholders that identifies initial steps for significant slum transformation. Despite global efforts, the challenge of slums remains, with slum dwellers projected to triple without action. The framework supports urgent attention and coordinated action to achieve sustainable and inclusive transformation by 2030.
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Technical Report
Assessment of Namibia Legislation through the Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit FULL REPORT
UN-Habitat, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa (KAS), and the University of Michigan (United States of America), through the project on Urban Law for Resilient and Low Carbon Urban Development in Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, were able to assess the capacity of climate laws and policies in Namibia to adapt to climate change. The assessment was done through the UN-Habitat Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit…
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Technical Report
Assessment of Malawi Legislation through the Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit FULL REPORT
UN-Habitat, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa (KAS), and the University of Michigan (United States of America), through the project on Urban Law for Resilient and Low Carbon Urban Development in Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, were able to assess the capacity of climate laws and policies in Malawi to adapt to climate change.
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Technical Report
Assessment of Malawi Legislation through the Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit SUMMARY REPORT
UN-Habitat, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa (KAS), and the University of Michigan (United States of America), through the project on Urban Law for Resilient and Low Carbon Urban Development in Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, were able to assess the capacity of climate laws and policies in Malawi to adapt to climate change. The assessment was done through the UN-Habitat Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit…
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SDG Localization
Agenda Torres Vedras 2030 Relatório Voluntário Local
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SDG Localization
Utrecht and the Global Goals, Voluntary Local Review 2023
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SDG Localization
Villa Maria
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SDG Localization
Yunlin County
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SDG Localization
Agios Dimitrios
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SDG Localization
Port Said Governorate
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SDG Localization
Voluntary Local Review of the City of Bad Köstritz 2023
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Acquisition Report June 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report June 2024
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Provisional Aagenda
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