
Country Factsheet South Africa
Fact Sheet
Urban-LEDS Country factsheet: South Africa
The South African governance system, defined by the Constitution of 1996, specifies the mandate of the three spheres of government: national, provincial and local. Recent laws and policies, including the Draft Climate Change Bill (2018), give a larger mandate to local governments when planning for climate action and responding to local challenges.
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Urban-LEDS Country factsheet: Lao-PDR
Fact Sheet
Urban-LEDS Country factsheet: Lao-PDR
Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is increasingly shifting to a model of governance known as ‘sam-sang’ (3-build system), whereby responsibility is increasingly devolved to local administration levels (province, district and village). This poses an ideal opportunity to implement a well-integrated and vertically coordinated climate change response.
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Urban-LEDS-Country factsheet: Indonesia
Fact Sheet
Urban-LEDS-Country factsheet: Indonesia
This factsheet outlines some of the ways that are already happening and recommends further improvements.
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Country factsheet India
Fact Sheet
Urban-LEDS Country factsheet: India
India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) was created in 2008. This broad national policy was the basis on which the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) was prepared. India’s federal structure distributes powers at national and state levels, and the implementation of the NAPCC is envisioned through the formulation of State Action Plans for Climate Change (SAPCC).
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Forced Evictions: Fact Sheet No. 25/Rev.1 cover image
Fact Sheet
Forced Evictions: Fact Sheet No. 25/Rev.1
This Fact Sheet examines the prohibition on forced evictions under the international human rights framework, specific obligations of States and others to refrain from and prohibit forced evictions, and how, when violations of rights and obligations do occur, there can be accountability and remedies.
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The Right to Adequate Housing: Fact Sheet No. 21/Rev.1; - Cover image
Fact Sheet
The Right to Adequate Housing: Fact Sheet No. 21/Rev.1;
International human rights law recognizes everyone’s right to adequate housing. This Fact Sheet explains what the right to adequate housing is, illustrates what it means for specific individuals and groups, and elaborates upon States’ related obligations.
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