递交数: 7
递交ID: 3548
Submission UUID: 043b1134-ce54-4970-9b61-eab037e5658f

已建立: 周一, 11/04/2019 - 18:15
完成的: 周一, 11/04/2019 - 18:15
已更改: 周五, 11/15/2019 - 11:18

Remote IP address: (unknown)
提交者为: vidarv
Language: English

Is draft:
Urban Sustainability and Climate Change
Dr. Tej Karki
Adaptation, Climate Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction
Human-led urbanization and globalization have caused severe negative impacts on the natural ecology of the planet earth. Climate change is one such impact that has put human settlements at risk and weakened the social and economic resources for long-term survival of people living in cities and towns. Sudden and unexpected storms and floods are on the rise in recent years. Many people are killed and displaced by the climate-change-related disasters. How to plan for a turbulent world in the face of changing climate is the need of the hour. This course aims to provide this knowledge to students.
Global (more than one region)
Semester/Quarter Length Courses/Modules