Formation accélérée au Nouveau Programme pour les villes: Partie 2 — Moyens de mise en œuvre
Ce cours explique et illustre le Nouvel Agenda Urbain dans un format
facilement accessible. Cette partie a pour objet les moyens de mise en œuvre du Nouveau Programme pour les villes.
From Data to Tangible Impact: Achieving Waste SDGs by 2030
This online course will introduce you to the first steps to develop in a participatory and inclusive manner municipal solid waste management strategies and action plans based on data.
From Data to Tangible Impact: Achieving Waste SDGs by 2030 - Portuguese
This online course will introduce you to the first steps to develop in a participatory and inclusive manner municipal solid waste management strategies and action plans based on data.
Functional Urban-Rural Linkages for Sustainable Urbanization
This course is under development and will be available soon.
How to guide sustainable urbanization with National Urban Policies
National Urban Policies (NUP) have increasingly been adopted by countries in enhancing sustainable urban development and the achievement of the global agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda (N