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The State of African Cities 2018 - The geography of African investment

The aim of The State of African Cities 2018: The geography of African investment report is to contribute to development policies that can turn African cities into more attractive, competitive and resilient foreign direct investment (FDI) destinations. Attracting global FDI is highly competitive and crosses various geographic scales, therefore regional cooperation by cities and nations is critical. But FDI is not a panacea since it has both positive and negative effects and careful choices need to be made by cities in their pursuit of FDI, if it is to lead to inclusive economic growth. This report aims to provide guidance on these choices and to facilitate understanding of the complexity of global investment in Africa.

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加强城市安全与保障 全球人类住区报告2007 (GRHS 2007)

《加强城市安全与保障 全球人类住区报告2007》分析了对城市安全和保障造成威胁的三个主要问题,分别是:城市犯罪与暴力,房屋/土地保有权缺乏保障和强制驱逐,以及自然和人为灾害。报告分析了世界范围内这些问题存在的条件和发展趋势,着力强调了它们的潜在成因及影响,并列举了在城市、国家和全球层面行之有效的政策和措施。报告从人类安全的角度出发,关注人类的安全与保障问题而非国家安全问题,而且这些问题可以通过有效的城市政策、规划、设计及治理措施得到解决。

Urban Safety and Good Governan
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Urban Safety and Good Governance The Role of the Police

Throughout the world, violence, delinquency and fear undermine the basic right of individuals to live in peace and fully benefit from a healthy and sustainable community. These elements make no real distinction between prosperous and poor cities, and impose aconsiderable cost on the population, particularly through the decline of communities, the increase in health and security expenditures and the deterioration of investments. Violence and fear directly threaten life in society, good governance and the sustainable development of the world’s communities and neighbourhoods.

Survivors Speak A snapshot sur
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Survivors Speak A snapshot survey on violence against women

This survey report is part of the Safer Cities Nairobi Project aiming at shedding light on the hidden problem of violence against women, and to address the gaps of information that persist on this subject.

The publication highlights the main forms of abuse experienced by women in Nairobi, the socio-economic characteristics of both the victims and the perpetrators; the impacts of abuse on the victims; the types of services and assistance that victims turn to; their suggestions to improve these services; their suggestions for government action; and, their suggested ways forward to make Nairobi a safer place.

Guía para la prevención loca
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Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana

Esta Guía ha sido realizada en colaboración entre la Agencia de Naciones Unidas HABITAT y la Universidad Jesuita Alberto Hurtado (UAH) de Chile. Quiere ser una herramienta para todas las personas u organizaciones que implementan o deseen implementar, complementar o ajustar políticas y programas relacionados con la prevención de la delincuencia y la violencia en los países y ciudades de Latinoamérica, región fuertemente golpeada y sensible a este tema.


Women's Safety Audit- What Wor
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Women's Safety Audit: What Works and Where?

In many cities women and girls face violence not only in their homes and in relationships, but also in public spaces due to poor urban design and poor management of public spaces. Whether it is due to threats, intimidation, harassment, sexual attacks or rape, all aggression seriously inhibits women from moving around the city because they feel unsafe. Women and girls are often targets of violence due to their vulnerability, and this vulnerability perpetuates their position in society.

One of the ways in which women can feel safer and fully benefit from the services and resources cities can offer is to actively seek changes in their physical environment by working together with municipal authorities and other community institutions and groups. The Women's Safety Audit is a tool that enables a critical evaluation of the urban environment.

The Women's Safety Audit tool was first developed in Canada following the recommendations of the 1989 report on violence against women and has further been developed by UN-HABITAT in the cities of Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Dar es Salaam, Abidjan, Nairobi and Warsaw.


The Global Assessment on Women
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The Global Assessment on Women's Safety

Women are at risk of violence both in public and private spheres, in and around the home, in neighbourhoods and at city level. Risk is infl uenced by urban design choices and the organisation of public services including transport and energy, amongst other things. Women experience a higher degree of insecurity which can restrict their access and use of the city. UN-HABITAT supports sustainability and inclusiveness in our cities.But women and girls still experience a higher degree of insecurity as compared to men and boys, which limits their access to city services.

To create inclusive cities that respect the rights of everyone, we need to create conditions and physical environments where women, men, girls and boys can live, work, go to school, move around, and socialise without fear of harm. We also need to change attitudes and policies that perpetuate violence against women. This is essential for economic and social development and for meeting the Millennium Development Goal commitments entered into by the international community in 2000.

Guía para la Prevención en B
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Guía para la Prevención en Barrios: Hacia Políticas de Cohesión Social y Seguridad Ciudadana - Spanish Language Version

Esta Guía, es parte de una serie de Publicaciones del Programa Ciudades más Seguras de la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos ONU-HABITAT, y ha sido elaborada por la Universidad Alberto Alberto Hurtado(UAH), de Chile.

Esta publicaciones pretenden ofrecer la herramientas mínimas necesarias para el diseño y la implementación de políticas de convivencia y prevención a los gobiernos locales, así como a los diversos actors de las ciudades y los barrios que colaboran en este ambito.

La serie incluye la “Guía para la prevención local, hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana” (2009) y la “Guía para la prevención con jóvenes, hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana” (2011), y se complementa con una futura guía sobre resolución de conflictividades sociales y mediación.


Libro Blanco de la seguridad y
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Libro Blanco de la seguridad y la convivencia de Medellín (Spanish Language Version)

El Libra Blanco de la Seguridad y la Convivencia de Medellín es una herramienta de gobernanza mediante la cual se pretende identificar las problemáticas sociales e institucionales que inciden en el aumento de los índices de violencia. De igual manera, se constituye como un proceso de diálogo entre los distintos actores que influyen en el diseño de las politicas públicas orientadas a la seguridad de Medellín. El Libra Blanco no sólo proporciona herramientas a futuro para la seguridad, sino que favorece la participación ciudadana y la convivencia, basada ésta última en la aceptación del disenso como parte fundamental del diáalogo y como salida pacífica a los conflictos de intereses.


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QUESTIONS TRANSVERSALES Outil d’évaluation pour la prévention du crime - french Language Version

Le présent Outil d’évaluation pour la prévention du crime est un instrument qui a été mis au point conjointement par l’Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime (UNODC) et le Programme des Nations Unies pour les établissements humains (ONU-HABITAT) afin d’encourager la programmation commune au niveau des pays. Cet outil constitue une étape fondamentale vers des approches plus intégrées et durables en matière de prévention du crime, ainsi qu’un important pas en avant pour la collaboration interinstitutionnelle à l’échelon national.

Il est important d’utiliser cet Outil en association avec la Compilation principale, qui couvre quatre grands secteurs de la justice: police, accès à la justice, mesures carcérales et mesures non privatives de liberté, et questions transversales (informations sur la justice pénale, justice des mineurs, victimes et témoins, et coopération internationale). Les renvois aux autres outils apparaissent en caractères gras dans le texte, mais il est utile d’avoir un aperçu général des autres composantes au préalable. En général, compte tenu de cette approche multisectorielle, et en particulier lorsqu’on aborde les problématiques en milieu urbain, il est également nécessaire de se référer expressément à l’ensemble des composantes du secteur.