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加强城市安全与保障 全球人类住区报告2007 (GRHS 2007)

《加强城市安全与保障 全球人类住区报告2007》分析了对城市安全和保障造成威胁的三个主要问题,分别是:城市犯罪与暴力,房屋/土地保有权缺乏保障和强制驱逐,以及自然和人为灾害。报告分析了世界范围内这些问题存在的条件和发展趋势,着力强调了它们的潜在成因及影响,并列举了在城市、国家和全球层面行之有效的政策和措施。报告从人类安全的角度出发,关注人类的安全与保障问题而非国家安全问题,而且这些问题可以通过有效的城市政策、规划、设计及治理措施得到解决。

Densification in consolidated informal settlements - Peter Ward, University of Texas

In this lecture Peter Ward from The University of Texas at Austin presents data drawn from a nine-country/eleven city collaborative study that examines self-built housing in old established low-income neighborhoods formed 25-40 years ago.


Too Pressed To Wait - Jane Weru, Executive Director Akiba Mashinani Trust

Jane Weru, Executive Director of Akiba Mashinani Trust, in her lecture “Too Pressed To Wait” discusses the water and sanitation hygiene systems in informal settlements in Nairobi, and how they are causing a strain on both the physical and psychological health of people who live and work in these settlements, in particular women and girls.

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Land Access and Youth Livelihood Opportunities in Southern Ethiopia

This study aims to examine current land access and youth livelihood opportunities in Southern Ethiopia.  We used survey data from the relatively land abundant districts of Oromia Region and from the land scarce districts of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ (SNNP) Region. Although access to agricultural land is a constitutional right for rural residents of Ethiopia, we found that youth in the rural south have limited potential to obtain agricultural land that can be a basis for viable livelihood. The law prohibits the purchase and sale of land in Ethiopia. We found that land access through allocation from authorities is virtually nonexistent while land that can be obtained from parents through inheritance or gift is too small to establish a meaningful livelihood.

The land rental market has restrictions, including on the number of years land can be rented out. Perhaps as a result of limited land access, the youth have turned their back on agriculture. Our study shows that only nine percent of youth in these rural areas plan to pursue farming as a livelihood. The majority are planning non-agricultural livelihoods. We also found a significant ...

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Land Tenure Security in Selected Countries

Secure land and property rights for all are essential to reducing poverty because they underpin economic development and social inclusion. Secure land tenure and property rights enable people in urban and rural areas to invest in improved homes and livelihoods. Although many countries have completely restructured their legal and regulatory framework related to land and they have tried to harmonize modern statutory law with customary ones, millions of people around the world still have insecure land tenure and property rights.

This report addresses and assesses the issue of tenure security  in several countries where government, civil society, the private sector and development cooperation initiatives have been implemented for decades. The selected case studies from fifteen (15) countries (Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala) ensure not only ageographic balance but they also represent countries with different socio-economic and land-related histories and that have followed different pathways. The studies’ key findings underline the still precariousstate of ...

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Land, Tenure and Housing Issues for Conflict-Displaced Populations in Georgia

Housing and property rights in the context of post-conflict rehabilitation are amongst the most complex and sensitive issues affecting displaced populations in Georgia today. This problem stems primarily from a persistent lack of permanent accommodation for those displaced subsequent to intensive conflicts in the country in the 1990s.

The more recent (August 2008) conflict has merely exacerbated this already serious situation, as it added to the number of people who cannot return to their homes and places of origin.

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Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines

This technical publication documents and draws lessons from the Philippine's experience in implementing alternative approaches in securing tenure for the urban poor. It also explores how these approaches can be institutionalized to achieve a larger scale and ensure sustainability.

The study examines three approaches: presidential land proclamations, the Community Mortgage Program, and the usufruct arrangement. The key features of each approach are described and their application illustrated through two actual cases.

The approaches are then analyzed in terms of the legal and institutional frameworks that supported their implementation and the benefits they delivered, both as perceived by the beneficiaries and in terms of meeting the broader social need for secure housing and tenure. The analysis also explores the factors which helped in the successful implementation of the approaches, as well as the constraints and difficulties encountered in the process.

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Regional Learning Workshop on Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security

This publication is the summary of the proceedings of the Regional Learning Workshop on "Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security" held in Nairobi, Kenya from 29-31 May 2012 as jointly organized by UN-Habitat/Global Land Tool Network and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

The aim of the workshop was to deepen the understanding of land and natural resources tenure security issues and to identify opportunities to strengthen land tenure security and land access of the rural poor and marginalized groups in sub- Saharan Africa.

This report is also available in french.


Innovative Urban Tenure in the
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Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines (Summary Report)

This publication documents and draws lessons from the Philippines' experience in implementing alternative approaches in securing tenure for the urban poor. It also explores how these approaches can be institutionalized and ensure sustainability. The study examines three approaches: presidential land proclamations, the Community Mortgage Program, and the usufruct arrangement.

The key features of each approach are described and their application illustrated through two actual cases. The approaches are then analyzed in terms of the legal and institutional frameworks that supported their implementation and the benefits they delivered, both as perceived by the beneficiaries and in terms of meeting the broader social need for secure housing and tenure.

Atelier régional d’apprenti
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Atelier régional d’apprentissage sur la sécurité d’occupation des terres et desressources naturelles (French Version)

Pendant l’atelier, les participants ont partagé leurs propres défis et expériences d’amélioration de l’accès des pauvres et autres population vulnérables à la sécurité de la tenure et aux ressources naturelles.

La rencontre a aussi permis de discuter les bonnes pratiques, méthodes et outils existants ainsi que leurs applications dans des contextes spécifiques.Les participants ont identifié les opportunités de magnifier et de partager les leçons apprises à une échelle plus grande. Il a été aussi question de partager les méthodes et outils et renforcer les cadres de dialogues.

En anglais