Nairobi, November 7, 2018 - Poor design, low quality of construction, exclusion from central planning processes, and inadequate access to basic services expose many city residents to serious environmental and health hazards. Over the last 10 years natural disasters alone have rendered over 23 million people homeless and displaced another 240 million, with the poorest residents of cities most affected.
Key actors gather to foster implementation of Myanmar’s national climate change policy
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, November 2018-- – Over 150 participants, ranging from government officials across ministries and from Myanmar’s States and Regions to representatives from academia, private sector, civil society and development partners, gathered in Nay Pyi Taw to celebrate the achievements of Myanmar Climate Change Alliance (MCCA) and discuss next
2nd Saudi Urban Forum
The Kingdom of Saudi is one of the most urbanized countries in the world. 8/10 people here live in urban areas. The New Urban Agenda encourages National Urban forums for qualitative and quantitative implementation of global goals. The Saudi Urban Forum offered a great opportunity for the localization of sustainable development goals.
Nairobi hosts first Africa wide bike sharing workshop
Nairobi 1 November 2018— About 20 participants from Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria and Rwanda participated in Africa’s first Bike Share workshop which was recently held in Nairobi, Kenya.
The participants learnt from the experience of the two pilot bike share systems in Nairobi – the University of Nairobi campus bike share project (30 bicycles) as well as the system at the United Nations Offices in Nairobi (100 bicycles).
African stakeholders discuss Open Streets
Cape Town, 1 November 2018-- For the first time, African government officials, representatives of NGOs and street enthusiasts came together to learn from and share experiences on the concept of Open Streets and Placemaking in Cape Town, South Africa, from 22-28 October, 2018. The Open Streets Exchange was organised by Open Streets Cape Town (OSCT) and UN-Habitat’s Urban Mobility Unit – with support from GIZ through the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) Challenge.
Global Urban Lectures: Johnny Miller - Unequal Scenes: Visualizing Inequality from Above
This lecture will explore how a unique perspective on economic inequality using a drone is vitally important to combat what has been described as "the defining challenge of our time.”