DRC- Call For Proposals-FR


L’appel à proposition a pour but de solliciter l’intérêt des organisations nationales de la société civile ou Université en tant que partenaire d’exécution souhaitant participer aux opérations de l’ONUHabitat en apportant des ressources complémentaires (ressources humaines, connaissances, fonds, contributions en nature, fournitures et/ou équipements) à la réalisation des objectifs communs comme indiqué ci-dessous et convenus subséquemment dans un Accord de Coopération.


DRC- Call For Proposals-EN


The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from national non-profit rural civil society organizations or University as Implementing Partner with capacity to participate in UN-Habitat operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives as outlined below and subsequently agreed in an Agreement of Cooperation


UN-Habitat offers to help countries include urban issues in their Nationally Determined Contributions on climate

Katowice, Poland, 5 December 2018 – UN-Habitat has made an unprecedented offer to support governments to include urban issues in their long term plans for climate action.

The UN-Habitat Executive Director, Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, made the statement on helping governments to address urban dimensions in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in a video statement to the annual Climate Summit (COP-24).


Plastic upcycling set to make Nairobi Informal Settlement a cleaner place

NAIROBI, December 2018 – UN-Habitat presented the youth of Mathare, one of Nairobi’s largest informal settlements, with the area’s first plastic shredding machine to help combat the huge rubbish problem.

The Mathare Environmental One Stop Centre was given the machine to open an Upcycling Centre, shredding plastic that can be turned into useful household items such as plates and plant holders.


Residents, diplomats and UN-Habitat staff join hands to clean up Nairobi

NAIROBI, 3 December 2018 -  A large crowd of residents from one of Kenya’s biggest slums, Mathare, joined UN-Habitat staff members and diplomats for the Nairobi County Government’s monthly clean up.

The volunteers, who included UN-Habitat’s Executive Director Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, walked through one of the main streets in the informal settlement collecting, raking, brushing and digging up some of the huge amount of rubbish on the streets.



UN-Habitat and the Global Green Growth Institute sign a global Memorandum of Understanding on sustainable and green urban development

KIGALI, 29 November 2018 – UN-Habitat and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have signed a global Memorandum of Understanding to promote cooperation on sustainable, climate-resilient and green urban development at the Africa Green Growth Forum.



UN-Habitat Executive Director unveils Youth Declar-Action at the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference

Nairobi, 27 November 2018 – Speaking on the second day of the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif urged national and regional governments, mayors, regional development oganizations, UN entities and development partners to examine the findings of the UN-Habitat Youth Declar-Action and adopt its recommendations.

