New and strengthened partnerships for resilience action at Barcelona Resilience Week 2018

November 2018, Barcelona, Spain -  Barcelona Resilience Week (BRW) brought together over 200 participants to discuss how to face the resilience challenges of our time.

The week focused on harnessing the commitment of initiatives such as the Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient action, the Making Cities Resilient Campaign, city-to-city cooperation programmes and good practices from cities, academia, private sector, and civil society, to scale-up resilience action at the global level.


UN-Habitat and Port Vila, capital of Vanuatu, sign official commitment on resilience building

November 2018, Barcelona, Spain -- The Lord Mayor of the capital of Vanuatu, Port Vila, Albert Sandy Daniel, and the Head of UN-Habitat’s Urban Basic Services Branch, André Dzikus, signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) on 12 November to implement the City Resilience Profiling Tool (CRPT), a key UN-Habitat’s tool for building resilience at the urban scale.


Maimunah Mohd Sharif on Blue Economy Conference: Local governments have to play a role to ensure we achieve sustainability

The UN-Habitat Executive Director Ms.Maimunah Mohd Sharif speaking during the Governor and Mayors’ Convention on the second day of the  Sustainable Blue Economy Conference 2018 being held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) Nairobi



Youth working for peace in Colombia

November 2018, Bogota - Young women and men in Colombia are working for peace. As part of the ‘Urban Peace Labs’ Programme, UN-Habitat and Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) have run workshops with disadvantaged youth in Cali and Barranquilla, empowering young men and women to become leaders and change-agents in their communities. The second phase of the Urban Peace Labs Programme will begin in Spring 2019.


UN-Habitat’s Deputy Executive Director tells African cities ‘we stand by your side’ at flagship summit

23 November 2018, Marrakesh, Morocco – Addressing the Official Opening Ceremony of the Political Meetings discussions at the Africities8 Summit, UN-Habitat’s Deputy Executive Director Victor Kisob, said the Organization had been with Africities from the start working to “unleash the potential of African cities for the sustainable development of the continent.”
