Public space improves lives of youth living in slums says newly released report finds

Nairobi, 5 October 2017 – A newly released report on the Mathare Slum in Kenya finds that public space can provide access to education, generate income generating activities and increased political engagement.

When one imagines public space, often it is a football field, a park or a town square. A new report just released by UN-Habitat explains that public space is this and much more.


Achieving SDG 11: One city at a time

Gaborone, 05 October 2017 – The Government of Botswana in partnership with UN-Habitat and UNECA held an inception workshop to kick-start the process of monitoring and reporting on Sustainable Development Goal 11. Botswana is one of the four selected countries in Africa (Botswana, Tunisia) and Latin America (Ecuador, Colombia) under the project “Monitoring and Reporting on Human Settlement Indicators in Africa and Latin America”.



Nairobi, 26 September 2017 – Registration for the world’s premier conference on cities and urbanization, the World Urban Forum, has now opened.

UN-Habitat, which coordinates the biennial event, is inviting stakeholders and partners from across the spectrum to register for attendance for the ninth such conference which will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2018.


Guangzhou to host global observance of 2017 World Cities Day

Guangzhou, 22 September 2017 – The global observation of 2017 World Cities Day will be held in Guangzhou on 31 October, as recently announced in a media briefing in the city. The event is organized by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China (MOHURD) and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and hosted by Guangzhou Municipal Government.


Call for recognition of power of youth from informal settlements at UN General Assembly

New York, 22 September 2017 – Youth took centre stage at the United Nations General Assembly, calling to be liberated from the margins and welcomed into the centre of decision-making, based not only on their right to be there but their actions in creating economically and socially inclusive and dynamic societies.


Testing Minecraft and mixed-reality for community-led urban design in Johannesburg

Johannesburg, 19 September 2017 – UN-Habitat and its partners are exploring how “mixed reality” can be used to boost community participation in planning urban public space.

Over the last few years, UN-Habitat has increasingly been working with digital tools for sustainable urban development, often in collaboration with technology partners.


Urban researchers, practitioners and policy-makers interested 2018 Cities IPCC conference can join upcoming webinar

UN-Habitat will host a webinar to inform about the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, March 5-7, in Edmonton, Canada. The webinar will provide participants with opportunities to learn more and ask questions about the conference and the call for proposal for sessions and abstracts. UN-Habitat is among the eleven partner organizations of the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference.
