UN-Habitat will host a webinar to inform about the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, March 5-7, in Edmonton, Canada. The webinar will provide participants with opportunities to learn more and ask questions about the conference and the call for proposal for sessions and abstracts. UN-Habitat is among the eleven partner organizations of the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference.

The Cities and Climate Change Science Conference aims to provide a forum for the urban community to:

“assess the state of scholarship and practice-based knowledge on cities and climate change, and to establish a research agenda based on the identification of key gaps through a stakeholder dialogue between the academic, practitioner and policy-making communities. The conference aims to inspire the next frontier of research in these identified areas, forge partnerships among these communities to conduct these most effectively, initiate key necessary but still missing information and data platforms, and catalyse appropriate structured funding for meeting these agendas.”

The CitiesIPCC Scientific Steering Committee has issued a call for proposals. That includes proposals for complete conference sessions that will incorporate clear and visible elements of knowledge exchange or co-generation among the scientific community and the practitioner or policy-making communities relating to these themes:

  • Cities & climate change (Imperatives for action)
  • Urban emissions, impacts and vulnerabilities (Science and practice of cities)
  • Solutions for the transition to low carbon and climate resilient cities (Science & practice for cities)
  • Enabling transformative climate action in cities (advancing science and advancing cities)

The purpose of the webinar is to inform and better understand individual and/or our collective opportunities to influence the format of the conference by responding to the call for proposals.

For more information please visit: https://citiesipcc.org/

Interested participants can join the webinar on Wednesday, 6 September, at 10:00am East Africa Time (UTC +3h) via internet or dial-in options.

1) Go to http://bluejeans.com

2) Enter Meeting ID: 443 279 330

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+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
Global Numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers

Dial In Information:

To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone: https://bluejeans.com/443279330?src=calendarLink

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+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
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UN-habitat and UN environment will be facilitating a webinar at 10am (Nairobi) on Thursday the 7th of September for one hour.
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