WUF9 In Kuala Lumpur

The Ninth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9), taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in February 2018, has been recognized by the General Assembly resolution 70/210 as the first session to have a thematic focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Habitat III.

Visit the WUF9 website in the next weeks for more information.



Kenya convenes national Urban Forum ahead of WUF9

Nairobi, 22 January 2018-- Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Mr.James Macharia has urged the country’s urban sector stakeholders to work together towards the implementation of the New Urban Agenda (NUA). Speaking to participants at the just concluded National Urban Forum (NUF) held on 15 - 16 January 2018 to concretize Kenya’s position ahead of the WUF9, Mr.


Utilizing Minecraft as a tool for community participation to design a public space in Gaza Strip

Beit Lahia, Gaza Strip, 15 January 2018 –  UN-Habitat in partnership with UN Women, Palestinian Housing Council, Aisha Association for Woman and child protection, and GGateway are creating a safe and inclusive public space in Al-Shaima’ neighbourhood in Beit Lahia city in order to improve the urban environment and the living conditions of residents, in particular children and you


High level visit puts spotlight on the resilience of young women and men

Nairobi, 30 December 2017 - Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake, and Sara Hradecky, High Commissioner of Canada to Kenya visited Mathare, one of the largest informal settlements in Kenya to learn more about United Nations Human Settlements Programme work in informal settlements.


Japanese officials visit the UN-Habitat`s community center

Kalobeyei 27 December 2017— A senior diplomat from the Japanese embassy in Nairobi Mr. Ito Yo last week visited the construction site of UN-Habitat’s community centre for refugees and host community to see firsthand the progress of the project.

During the visit where he was well received by both the project beneficiaries and UN-Habitat staff members, an impressed Mr. Yo had a long talk with the site engineers and contractors getting the finer details of the development.
