County Engagement Framework fo
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County Engagement Framework for Kenya

This document discusses the existing legislation relating to Urban and Regional Planning in Kenya with a view to highlighting the opportunities and gaps that can be harnessed in respect to international, regional, national and county planning legal and regulatory framework, and planning processes. It aims at providing a nexus for engagement with the County governments of Kenya, to advance sustainable urban and rural settlements and promote the utilization of urban-rural linkages for eventual sustainable county development.

The review of the current planning legal and policy framework examines various local and international policies, laws and regulations that affect planning at the national and county level. The outputs include an outline of viable entry points for collaboration with county governments in Kenya to develop integrated and sustainable county and urban development plans.

The State of Israeli to support youth enterprise development in Africa

26 February 2016- UN-Habitat hosted the Ambassador Yahel Vilan, and Deputy Ambassador Nadav Peldman from the Embassy of Israel in Kenya, at the UN headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya on 15 January 2015. The Ambassador and his delegation were briefed on UN-Habitat’s experiences from the study mission to Israel that was organized by MASHAV during 16-21 January 2016. The meeting provided specific insights to respond to the needs of youth in agriculture, service delivery, employment and income generation in Africa.



Kenyan counties share experiences from UN-Habitat’s work

Kiambu, Kenya 26 February 2016- The county government of Kajiado in Kenya is exploring ways in which UN-Habitat and UNEP can help it address waste management issues. Governor David Ndekenyie last month met with UN-Habitat and UNEP staff explore solutions to the growing waste management challenge in the County, and to share lessons on the waste management experience in Kenya.



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UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya - Volume 1

This report is based on the outcomes of the capacity development trainings that were undertaken in support to the implementation of the on-going Kenya Municipal Programme. The programme is mainly financed by the World Bank at a cost of US$ 129 million with cofinancing from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida); it is executed and implemented by the Kenya Government, through the Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development(MLHUD). UN-Habitat’s support to the Kenya Municipal Programme is through capacity development that entails training in various key issues in urban planning and development.

This report details outcomes of the first phase of the training that was done for the Kenya Municipal Programme Counties Clusters III (Machakos, Embu & Kiambu) and IV (Nyeri & Nakuru). This section of the report provides a brief background of the Kenya Municipal Programme and UN-Habitat’s support to the Programme, and draws attention to the on-going global debate on the Habitat Agenda, Habitat III1and Urban-Rural Linkages – a key theme of the 25th Governing Council (GC25) of UN-Habitat held in April2015.

Academicians and chairs of East African professional bodies discuss architecture and urban planning

Machakos, 11 February 2016 - Deans, senior lecturers of architecture schools and chairs of professional bodies of East Africa last week congregated in the Kenyan town of Machakos to discuss education for sustainability in architecture and urban planning. The meeting saw teaching staff of the different schools of architecture and built environment meet to deliberate on the topic “integration of sustainable building design into curriculum for higher learning in East Africa.”  The workshop brought together so


New dawn for pupils of two Kenyan schools as WASH project is completed

Kakamega, Kenya, 20 July 2015—It was dawn of a new era for pupils of Matete Primary School in Western Kenya after UN-Habitat in partnership with the Royal Kingdom of Thailand together with the County Government of Kakamega handed over the just completed Water, Sanitation and Hygiene “WASH” facilities to the institution last week.

The “WASH” project is benefiting over 1,000 pupils in both in Matete Primary and Renja Primary schools. The project was established to accomplish the following objectives:
