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راهنمــای بین‌المللـی برنامه‌ریزی شهــری و سرزمینـی

روند شهرنشینی بسیار سریع است و تا سال 2050 میالدی، از هر ده نفر، هفت نفر در شهرها زندگی خواهند کرد. بر این اساس تاکید بر ضرورت برنامهریزی امری اجتناب ناپذیر است. سیاستها، برنامه ها و طرح های نامناسب، به توزیع فضایی نامطلوب مردم و فعالیتهای آنها منجر شده و در نتیجه گسترش محلههای فقیرنشین، تراکم نامناسب، دسترسی ضعیف به خدمات پایهای، تخریب محیط زیست، و نابرابری اجتماعی و تبعیض را در پی خواهد داشت. راهنمای بین المللی برنامهریزی شهری و سرزمینی هم به عنوان یک منبع الهام بخش و همچون یک قطب نما، مسیر را در هنگام بررسی سازوکارهای برنامهریزی شهری و منطقهای، برای تصمیمگیران و شهرسازان روشن میکند. این راهنما با ارائة یک چارچوب مرجع جهانی به دولتها و مقامات محلی، سازمانهای جامعه مدنی و برنامهریزان حرفهای از طریق ترویج شهرها و سرزمینهای متراکم تر، از نظر اجتماعی فراگیر تر، یکپارچه تر و متصلتر، زمینة توسعه پایدار شهری و تابآوری در برابر تغییر اقلیمی را فراهم میآورد.

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世界城市状况报告 2012/2013 (State of the World's Cities 2012/2013)

本版《世界城市状况报告》要揭示的是,“所有人的繁荣”目前仅狭隘地聚焦于经济增长。联 合国人居署提出了一个全新的视角,超越了单一的经济重心,而包括了其他的重要维度,如生 活质量、充足的基础设施、平等和环境可持续。报告还推出了一个新工具—城市繁荣指数,以 及“繁荣之轮”概念矩阵,二者都可为决策者制定清晰的干预政策提供建议。

报告呼吁城市应该为所有民众强化公共领域,扩大公共物品供应,巩固“公地”权利,以此作 为扩大繁荣的手段。这正是为了应对目前已被观察到的不良趋势,如繁荣飞地上对公共物品和公地 的封锁和限制,以及以不可持续的方式将其耗尽。

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亚洲的可持续城市化进程一本写给地方政府的资料 (Sustainable Urbanization in Asia)


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UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya - Volume 1

This report is based on the outcomes of the capacity development trainings that were undertaken in support to the implementation of the on-going Kenya Municipal Programme. The programme is mainly financed by the World Bank at a cost of US$ 129 million with cofinancing from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida); it is executed and implemented by the Kenya Government, through the Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development(MLHUD). UN-Habitat’s support to the Kenya Municipal Programme is through capacity development that entails training in various key issues in urban planning and development.

This report details outcomes of the first phase of the training that was done for the Kenya Municipal Programme Counties Clusters III (Machakos, Embu & Kiambu) and IV (Nyeri & Nakuru). This section of the report provides a brief background of the Kenya Municipal Programme and UN-Habitat’s support to the Programme, and draws attention to the on-going global debate on the Habitat Agenda, Habitat III1and Urban-Rural Linkages – a key theme of the 25th Governing Council (GC25) of UN-Habitat held in April2015.

Using Minecraft for Youth Part
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Using Minecraft for Youth Participation in Urban Design and Governance

UN-Habitat believes that ICT can be a catalyst to improve governance in towns and cities and help increase levels of participation, efficiency and accountability in public urban policies, provided that the tools are appropriately used, accessible, inclusive and affordable. Research shows that ICT use by youth can have a direct impact on increasing civic engagement, giving them new avenues through which to become informed, shape opinions, get organized, collaborate and take action.

UN-Habitat’s experiences of using the video game Minecraft as a community participation tool for public space design confirms this view and shows that providing youth with ICT tools can promote improved civic engagement. Youth are at the center of the ICT revolution, both as drivers and consumers of technological innovation. They are almost twice as networked as the global population as a whole, with the ICT age gap more pronounced in least developed countries where young people are up to three times more likely to be online than the general population.

The purpose of this paper is to outline UN-Habitat’s approach to using information and communication technology (ICT) as an enabler to encourage youth participation in urban design and governance.


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Panduan Internasional tentang Perencanaan Kota dan Wilayah

Dengan penduduk perkotaan dunia telah melampaui ambang batas lima puluh persen dari penduduk global, telah menjadi semakin jelas bahwa kehidupan urban menjadi masa depan. Urbanisasi maju pesat, khususnya di negara-negara berkembang, dan diikuti dengan berbagai peluang dan tantangan.Aglomerasi memungkinkan adanya skala ekonomi yang signifikan untuk kota dan daerah, tetapi juga menimbulkan berbagai biaya dan eksternalitas yang terkait dengan kebisingan, kemacetan, dan polusi. Tantangan global seperti perubahan iklim dan terkurasnya sumber daya mempengaruhi banyak bidang dalam berbagai cara dan membutuhkan respons-respons baru yang inovatif.

Village Planning in English 20
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Transformational Development and Coordinated Planning; Practices of Guangzhou in Village Planning

Three series of village planning were undertaken by Guangzhou from 1990, trying to promote the rural development through village planning with innovate planning methodologies.

In the third planning since 2012, in particular, a concept of “synergetic planning” has been developed, which put priorities on the villagers’ interest and focused on the resolution of existing major problems as well as planning for future development, so as to build a model of constructing beautiful countryside with Lingnan styles and the village planning of Guangzhou in recent years is a typical initiative of improving human settlements environment, which could, based on systematic summarization, offer lessons and experience to the developing countries for their village planning.

This book consists 14 articles on the practices of village planning by Guangzhou in recent years. It is divided into two sections: Section One focusing on the methodologies of village planning, and Section Two concentrating on the case studies that address essential challenges and present key solutions. Also available in Chinese.

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Hướng dẫn quốc tế về quy hoạch đô thị và vùng lãnh thổ

Dân số đô thị hiện đã đạt ngưỡng 50% tổng dân số thế giới, viễn cảnh một thế giới toàn đô thị đang ngày càng trở nên rõ ràng. Đô thị hóa đang diễn ra với tốc độ rất nhanh, đặc biệt ở các nước đang phát triển, điều đó đem lại cơ hội nhưng đồng thời cũng tạo ra thách thức cho chúng ta.Quy tụ đô thị đã đem lại quy mô kinh tế to lớn cho các thành phố và vùng lãnh thổ, nhưng điều đó có thể dẫn tới chi phí gia tăng, gây ra những tác động từ bên ngoài như tiếng ồn, tắc nghẽn và ô nhiễm. Những thách thức toàn cầu như biến đổi khí hậu, suy giảm nguồn tài nguyên đang ít nhiều tác động đến các khu vực trên toàn thế giới, và đòi hỏi chúng ta phải có biện pháp ứng phó.

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State of Afghan Cities report 2015 (Volume-II)

Afghanistan's future is urban. The population of Afghan cities is expected to double within the next 15 years and by 2060, one in every two Afghans will be living in cities. In order to manage such a transition and harness it for economic and social development accurate data and information is essential.

The report and associated data-set are an important first step for strategic planning and evidenced-based decision making to promote productive and inclusive urban growth in Afghanistan. The report is divided into two volumes. Volume One is a narrative report highlighting key issues including municipal governance, the urban economy, access to land and housing and the urban environment. Volume Two contains maps and data for all 34 Provincial Capitals. Volume 1 also available.

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State of Afghan Cities report 2015 (Volume-I Dari)

آینده افغانستان با زندگی شهری گره خورده، انتظارمیرود تا طی 15 سال آینده جمعیت شهرهای افغانستان دوچند گردد و درسال 2060 این جمعیت به 50 فیصد زندگی شهری تبدیل شود. اسکان شهری میتواند منبع انکشاف باشد، که نه تنها به سادگی مشکلی است که باید حل وفصل شود. تبدیل اجتناب ناپذیر اسکان شهری فرصت ها و چالشهایی داده شده را درشکل فعلی و ساختارشهرهای عمده، ارایه مینماید.

پروگرام متذکره تحت رهبری وزارت امور شهرسازی، اداره مستقل ارگانهای محلی و شاروالی کابل، به کمک تخنیکی که توسط موسسه دفتر ملل متحد- هبیتات، تطبیق گردیده است. کمیته مشورتی شامل بر سهمداران کلیدی: وزارت امور شهرسازی، اداره مستقل ارگانهای محلی، احصاییه مرکزی، شاروالی کابل، وزارت مالیه، وزارت اقتصاد، NEPA، AUWSSC, DCDA و نهاد های خواهر ملل متحد )مثاً UNFPA, UN-WOMEN, UNEP ( و جامعه مدنی )مثاً AWN, AREU, AKN ( و کارشناسان پیشتاز، پیش میرود که به شکل منظم با یکدیگر ملاقات کرده و طرح همه جانبه پروگرام