Sirte bounces back after devastating clashes left it in ruins

Tunis, 3 July 2018—After the intense clashes of 2011 and the occupation of the city by ISIS (May 2015 to December 2016) which led to destruction and severe damages of one third of Sirte’s buildings and public facilities, the city of Sirte in Libya is seeing many of the damaged structures being occupied today with a strong determination of the population to revital


Foreign direct investment key to Africa’s development, new UN-Habitat report says

UN-Habitat Deputy Executive Director Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira launched a new report that investigates the effect of foreign direct investment on the continent’s cities.

 The State of African Cities 2018 report says that foreign firms and investors in African cities can play a catalytic role in the development of the continent.

 Speaking during the event, Dr. Kacyira said the report was a ground breaking one because instead of focusing on urbanisation, it was looking at foreign direct investment.
