
Waste Wise Cities publishes a newsletter every two months to keep you posted on the work we do with our member cities, affiliates and partners and the exiting opportunities we offer!

Have you missed them ? No worries, you can find them here, available in different languages!

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter Volume 19 –February 2024

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) shifts product end-of-life management from consumers to producers, aligning with the "Polluter Pays Principle". This fosters a more equitable financial model for Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM). This newsletter discusses the challenges and opportunities of implementing EPR and provides different case studies related to the theme. Moreover, you can find the latest updates on the Waste Wise Cities and African Clean Cities Platform activities, including INC-3 and COP28!

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter Volume 18 – August 2023

Establishing or improving a sustainable financing system for Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) is one of the major challenges when it comes to sustainable operations of the MSWM system in cities, especially in emerging countries. This newsletter discusses the challenges and opportunities of a sustainable MSWM finance system and provides different case studies related to the theme. Moreover, you can find the latest updates on the Waste Wise Cities and African Clean Cities Platform activities, including the UN Secretary General‘s Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste!

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter Volume 17 – March 2023

Informal waste and recycling operators are major contributors to the waste value chain and pose an important form of livelihood. In this edition, you can find different case studies and recovery chain actors’ stories, as well as the latest updates of our waste management initiatives, including the International day of Zero Waste!

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter Volume 16 - December 2022

The massive consumption of a wide range of plastic products has generated a huge amount of plastic waste and its management has been a challenge to many countries. This newsletter discusses the challenge and opportunities of plastic waste, and provide a case study of plastic waste management by a recycling tech company based in Nigeria. Furthermore, you can find a lot of updates on WWC and ACCP activities, such as the Third ACCP Assembly, World Clean-up Day, and so forth.  

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter 15 - July 2022

Open waste burning is one of the major contributors of Green House Gasses (GHGs). The 15th edition of our newsletter explores the challenges and opportunities of waste burning bringing some case studies.  In addition, you can find our new Affiliates and many updates on waste webinars and other events including the third Assembly of the African Clean Cities Platform.

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter 14 - March 2022

This newsletter discusses different approaches to municipal solid waste collection, highlights the results of surveys conducted on the topic and what needs to be done. As always it also introduces new Affiliates, gives an update about the application of the Waste Wise Cities Tool and what we have been up to in the beginning of this year.

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter 13 – December 2021

"Zero Waste" is the concept of designing out waste and achieving a world with no waste at all, where everything would be put back  into  the  system  and  kept  in  closed  loops. The newsletter will support you in exploring the model roadmaps, excellent approaches, etc. It is also find the report on official side event at COP 26 as well as ISWA congress. The article and recordings of member cities' Learning Hubs are also available.

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter 12 - October 2021

The 12th edition of our newsletter explores and explains the linkages between inadequate municipal solid waste management and marine litter. It also contains updates from our Affiliates and from the application of the Waste Wise Cities Tool in various cities around the world. It further gives an overview of events the Waste Wise Cities and ACCP team attended and/or organized and provides the link to the recording if you missed them.

Waste Wise Cities & African Clean Cities Platform Newsletter 11 - June, 2021

This joint Waste Wise Cities and African Clean Cities Platform newsletter focuses on Waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) and the challenges towards its proper management. The newsletter introduces the UN E-waste Coalition, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on e-waste and a recap on the Webinar Deep Dive # 1: Treatment of WEEE or e-waste. It also starts a new focus area within the newsletter, presenting results of the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) application.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 10 - April, 2021

Materials Recovery Facilities are the focus of the 10th Waste Wise Cities newsletter. It includes the summary of the deep-dive webinar series on material recovery facilities in Southern Africa, Qalyubeya, Egypt and, Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as introductions of new Affiliates and Updates, including the results of our member satisfaction survey, which was quite positive.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 9 - February, 2021

This newsletter is all about organic waste management. It starts with a summary of the deep-dive webinar series on organic waste management: anaerobic digestion, Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting, and case studies from Sanergy, Kenya, and Kochi, India. Then Affiliates are introduced and updates given, including on the launch of the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT).

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 8 - December, 2020

Waste management during the COVID-19 pandemic is the subject of our 8th newsletter. It highlights the impacts of the pandemic on waste management in general and recycling and waste pickers activities in particular. It also presents the results of a Waste Wise Cities member survey on the impacts of COVID-19 on their waste management operations and takes a look back at 2020.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 7 - October, 2020

The 7th Waste Wise Cities newsletter addresses other SDGs closely linked to indicator 11.6.1. It highlights the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, World Cleanup Day during COVID-19 pandemic, and International E-Waste Day.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 6 - July, 2020

This Issue of the Waste Wise Cities newsletter is called "storytimes" and tells stories about the African Clean Cities Platform, reasons for ineffective waste management introduces Affiliates and gives updates on Waste Wise Cities' work.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 5 - May, 2020

This Issue of the Waste Wise Cities Campaign newsletter looks at The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Waste Management. It highlights the SDGs that are linked to waste management, tell the story of SDG indicator 11.6.1 and how it was used to develop a waste assessment tool for cities, the Waste Wise Cities Tool.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 4 - March, 2020

This issue of the newsletter looks at Dumpsites & Landfills around the world. After a general introduction to the topic, the newsletter explores problems associated with dumpsites and landfills as well as innovations around the topic. The newsletter ends with a report about the World Urban Forum 10, other updates and an outlook. It's the first newsletter available in English, French and Spanish.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 3 - December, 2019

The topic of this Waste Wise Cities newsletter is Women in Waste. It introduces research on the women-waste-nexus and features stories from women and waste. Furthermore, it provides information on grass root innovations and Waste Wise Cities updates.

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 2 - October, 2019

The second Waste Wise Cities newsletter provides updates about Waste Wise Cities activities, for example at the 1st UN-Habitat Assembly, and the theme of the 2019 World Habitat Day "Waste to wealth".

Waste Wise Cities Newsletter 1 - July, 2019

The first issue of the newsletter gives an overview about World Habitat Day 2019, training and courses, results from the questionnaire to new members, introduces the Waste Wise Cities Advisory Group and closes with a Call to Action and Outlook.


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Contact : Andre Dzikus . Chief, Urban Basic Services Section United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) .

Contact : Andre Dzikus . Chief, Urban Basic Services Section United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) .