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UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya - Volume 4

This is the fourth in the series of reports titled UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya. The reports addresses the topic of urban informality and reports on a capacity building session conducted by UN-Habitat for informal settlement leaders, which was also attended by county technical officers, members of county assemblies, national government officers, development partners, and civil society organizations.

This report covers a broad background of various important topics related to urban informality and planning, along with an overview of the course and outcomes of the capacity-building session. It is organized as follows. The first chapter provides a broad background on the institutions, international organizations, and past and present programmes addressing Kenya’s urban issues. The second chapter explores Kenya’s current urban situation, while the third chapter addresses the planning challenges and responses to informal settlements specifically. The fourth chapter discusses the outcomes of the capacity building session and concludes by summarizing the key issues on urban informality in Kenya and the workshop outcomes.