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State of Latin American and Caribbean cities 2012: Towards a new urban transition

With 80% of its population living in cities, Latin America and the Caribbean is the most urbanized region on the planet. Located here are some of the largest and best-known cities, like Mexico City, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, Lima and Santiago. The region also boasts hundreds of smaller cities that stand out because of their dynamism and creativity. This edition of State of Latin American and Caribbean cities presents the current situation of the region's urban world, including the demographic, economic, social, environmental, urban and institutional conditions in which cities are developing. Also available in Spanish Version.

The State of Arab Cities 2012
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The State of Arab Cities 2012 , Challenges of Urban Transition

The Arab world has played a very important role in the history of urbanization. It is the region where urban civilization was born and where urban matters have been addressed for centuries. The Arab urban civilization, as it has evolved over the past millennium, has generated some of the most beautiful cities in the world. This publication is the first ever to comprehensively analyze urbanization processes in the Arab States through the review of its four sub-regions: the Maghreb, the Mashreq, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the least-developed Arab countries of the Southern Tier.

2012 حالت المدن الØ
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2012 حالت المدن العربية , (The State of Arab Cities 2012) Challenges of Urban Transition

اتخذ العالم العربي دوراً هاماً للغاية في تاريخ عمليات التحضر، حيث تشكل هذه المنطقة منشأ الحضارة المدنية والتي شهدت أيضاً تداول المسائل الحضرية على مدى قرون عديدة. وقد تولدت عن الحضارة العربية في المناطق الحضرية بعض من أجمل المدن في العالم خلال فترة تطورها على مدى الألفية الماضية. ويعد هذا التقرير الأول من نوعه والذي يطرح تحليلاً شاملاً لعمليات التحضر في الدول العربية من خلال استعراض أربعة أقاليم فرعية والتي تضمنت: دول المشرق العربي، ودول المغرب العربي، ودول مجلس تعاون الخليج العربية، ودول الجنوب الأقل نمواً.

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Estado de las Ciudades de América Latina y el Caribe (State of the Latin America and the Caribbean Cities report) - Espanol

Con un 80% de su población residiendo en ciudades, América Latina y el Caribe es la región más urbanizada del planeta. En ella se encuentran algunas de las ciudades más grandes y conocidas, como Ciudad de México, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Río de Janeiro, Bogotá, Lima o Santiago, pero la región también cuenta con centenas de ciudades de menor tamaño que despuntan por su dinamismo y creatividad.

Esta edición del Estado de las Ciudades de América Latina y el Caribe presenta un panorama actual del mundo urbano en la región, incluyendo las condiciones demográficas, económicas, sociales, ambientales, urbanísticas e institucionales en las que se desarrollan las ciudades.

También disponible en versión Inglés.

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State of African Cities 2010 , Governance, Inequalities and Urban Land Markets

The State of the African Cities 2010 goes above and beyond the first report, which provided a general overview of housing and urban management issues in Africa. With the subtitle: Governance, inequity and urban land markets, the report uncovers critical urban issues and challenges in African cities, using social and urban geography as the overall entry points. While examining poverty, slum incidence and governance, the report sheds more light on inequity in African cities, and in this respect follows the main theme of the global State of the World’s Cities 2010 report.

Through a regional analysis, the report delves deeper into the main urban challenges facing African cities, while provoking dialogue and discussion on the role of African cities in improving national, regional and local economies through sustainable and equitable development. The report has been drafted in cooperation with Urban Land Mark. Through an analytical survey of several African cities, the report examines urban growth, social conditions in slums, environmental and energy issues and, especially, the role of urban land markets in accessing land and housing.

Also available in French Version.

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The State of Asian Cities 2010/11

The report throws new light on current issues and challenges which national and local governments, the business sector and organised civil society are facing. On top of putting forward a number of recommendations, this report testifies to the wealth of good, innovative practice that countries of all sizes and development stages have accumulated across the region. It shows us that sustainable human settlements are within reach, and that cooperation between public authorities, the private and the voluntary sectors is the key to success. This report highlights a number of critical issues – demographic and economic trends, poverty and inequality, the environment, climate change and urban governance and management.

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L’état des Villes Africaines 2010 , Gouvernance, inégalité et marchés fonciers urbains

Ce rapport sur L’Etat des Villes africaines 2010: Gouvernance, Inégalité et Marchés Fonciers Urbains est le second du genre que publie ONU-HABITAT. Sa lecture devrait se faire, de préférence, en conjonction avec celle du document de dimensions mondiales et non plus régionales, L’Etat des Villes dans le Monde 2010/11 lui aussi publié par ONU-HABITAT. La présent rapport se penche sur les processus et les grands thèmes qui concernent plus particulièrement l’Afrique, en les illustrant à l’aide de données récentes et d’exemples parlants. Il se concentre sur les villes mais sans appliquer de seuil bien défini aux zones de peuplement dont il traite, le sujet étant l’urbanisation et les zones urbaines en général. Le rapport se divise en sept chapitres. Le premier présente les grandes idées et les recommandations sous sept grands sous-titres: géographie urbaine, croissance économique et développement humain; les inégalités urbaines; gouvernement ou gouvernance; le financement urbain public et privé; les finances des collectivités locales, les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement 10 ans après; et les plus grandes villes d’Afrique.

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The State of the African Cities Report 2008

With rapidly increasing urban populations, cities in Africa are faced with enormous challenges and will have to find ways to facilitate by 2015 urban services, livelihoods and housing for more than twice as many urban dwellers than it has today.

A worrying trend with the African urbanization process is that it is a process rooted in poverty rather than an industrialization-induced socio-economic transition as in other major world urban regions. Africa’s escalating urban problems have received less attention than warranted and now, at the dawn of Africa’s urban age, these need to be addressed.