Housing, Land and Property Issues of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon From Homs City

UN-Habitat and UNHCR present “Housing, Land and Property Issues of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon from Homs City”, the second in a series of reports being produced on the HLP conditions of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This report offers an analysis of the main issues and needs of refugees in the current market that is supplying shelter to the most vulnerable groups in Lebanon.


Young Somali women complete training in construction skills and ready to work

Garowe, Puntland, Somalia, February 2019 –  In Somalia, it is extremely rare to see a woman working in the construction industry. However nearly two thirds of the young people who have just graduated from a UN-Habitat training course in Puntland State of Somalia are young women. “Project Rajo” (Rajo is Somali for hope) was launched in three Somali cities - the capital Mogadishu, Garowe and Kismayo in the south -  in November 2018 to provide youth with construction, entrepreneurship, ICT and life skills training.


EU and UN-Habitat launch city profiling project in Yemen to coordinate humanitarian, recovery and development investments

AMMAN, 28 January 2019 - UN-Habitat launched a new project to gather data on seven cities in Yemen to support them in coping with the impact of the ongoing conflict.

The meeting, hosted at in Amman, brought together 22 participants, including 13 Yemeni high level participants from national and city levels, to launch the project “Rapid City and Neighbourhood Profiling Towards a Development Oriented Urban Recovery Process in Yemen”, funded by the European Union with a total budget of nearly USD 2.36 million.



Nigeria’s Presidential Candidates call for a focus on housing

LAGOS, January 2019 – Thousands of people watched a live debate between five candidates aiming to become the President of Nigeria who discussed the country’s housing situation.

The candidates in the election scheduled for 16 February all agreed on the urgent need to focus towards on housing to ensure social and economic development was a consensus amongst all candidates. They also discussed the need to protect the housing rights of people in informal settlements, institutionalizing social housing policy, involving communities in housing issues, and creating special housing funds.


UN-Habitat and Kenya’s Makueni county sign pledge to empower youth and improve lives

10 January 2019, Nairobi, Kenya – UN-Habitat and Kenya’s County Government of Makueni have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to empower youth and women, improve planning, provide housing and basic services among other issues.

The MoU was signed by Professor Kivutha Kibwana, Governor of Makueni County and Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat after a year of discussions.

