UN-Habitat and partner host ‘Cities Take Climate Action’ session at COP21

COP21-news3Paris 7 December 2015—UN-Habitat and Cities Alliance on Monday hosted a “Cities Take Climate Action” event at the Climate Change Summit COP21. The session convened representatives of cities, non-governmental organizations, NGOs, national governments and international organizations for a lively debate on how cities are acting on climate change and how this action can be accelerated.



UN-Habitat and IUTC train Asian urban practitioners in water management and sanitation

Seoul 7 December 2015-- Throughout and intensive training course representatives from local governments, utilities and public works recently gained understanding on comprehensive IUWM planning and sanitation.  26 participants (including 10 women) from Sri Lanka, Nepal, Lao PDR, Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, Vietnam, Mongolia, India and Samoa joined this course.


Myanmar delegation presents progress report at COP21

Paris, 7 December 2015-- The Myanmar delegation to COP21 presented the important progress in addressing climate change, achieved with the implementation of the Myanmar Climate Change Alliance Programme, executed by UN-Habitat in partnership with UNEP at the event “GCCA+: a European Union Flagship Initiative Supporting Climate Resilience” held at the EU Pavilion in the COP21 Blue Zone.



Deputy Executive Director decries inequality in African cities

Johannesburg 4 December 2015, The Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Dr. Aisa Kacyira Kirabo has warned that the wide inequality witnessed in African cities was the greatest threat to sustainable urbanization on the continent.

“It is good that we are agreed on the need to sit down and talk. But how can we talk with the excessive poverty and excessive affluence we see in our urban centres,” she posed.
The Deputy Executive Director was speaking at the political session of the Africties2015 summit which came to a close in Johannesburg on Thursday.


UN-Habitat launches Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning at the Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris

04 Dec 2015, Paris, FCity-Climate-action-01rance. As the world heads to a new climate agreement, parties and participants at the United Nations Climate Change Conference Cop21 in Paris highlighted the role of cities as the place where the struggle to mitigate climate change will be either won or lost.

