António Guterres visits UN-Habitat’s Mathare One Stop Centre on first field mission as UN Secretary-General

Nairobi, 8 March 2017, International Women’s Day – On his first visit to Kenya as Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres visited a community space in Mathare, home to approximately 800,000 people and Nairobi’s oldest slum, to meet members of the community benefiting from UN programmes and partnerships.


Adaptation Fund and UN-Habitat mitigate climate change challenges in Lao PDR

Vientiane, 6 March 2017-- Approximately 47,000 people in 189 settlements in three southern provinces of Attapeu, Saravan and Sekong will soon have access to better climate resilient infrastructure when the just launched climate change project rolls out community-level implementation. The project with a total budget of USD 4.5 million will build capacity at national and sub-national levels to tackle climate change challenges.


Water and Sanitation project in Mwanza Tanzania kicks off

Mwanza, Tanzania 22 February 2017 – Residents of Mwanza Town of Tanzania will soon start benefitting from a water and sanitation project undertaken through the UN-Habitat championed Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Programme (LVWATSAN).

Gerson H. Lwege, Minister of Water and Iirrigation (MoWI) recently officiated at the signing ceremony of two between Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA) and the two contractors working on the project.


UN-Habitat hosts exhibition on consequences of rising sea levels

Barcelona, 20 February 2017—UN Habitat’s is hosting the exhibition “Where will we go?” in the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, in Barcelona, Spain.

The audio-visual production held under the auspices of UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Programme is by renowned photo-journalist Kadir van Lohuizen and is running from February 17th through March 17th, 2017 exploring the plight of people permanently displaced as a result of the impact of a changing climate.


Symposium mulls how cities can improve the quality of life

Nairobi, 15 February 2017 – A two-day conference on urban innovation in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is underway at the UN Complex, Nairobi. This initiative is hosted by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in partnership with the Linköping University and University of Borås, Sweden. The symposium discussed ways in which cities can help improve the quality of life through better health care and in particular sexual and productive health and rights.
