World Water Day 2011 Water and
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World Water Day 2011 Water and Urbanization , Water for Cities: Responding to the urban challenge

This is the Final Report of the World Water Day 2011 under the theme "Water and Urbanization , Water for Cities: Responding to the urban challenge". It focused international attention on the impact of rapid urban population growth, industrialization and uncertainties caused by climate change, conflicts and natural disasters on urban water systems. It also encouraged action by governments, organizations, communities, and individuals around the world to engage actively in addressing urban water management challenges. UN-Water designated UN-HABITAT to coordinate the organization of World Water Day 2011.


Water and Sanitation

The highest priority for UN-HABITAT's Water and Sanitation programme is improving access to safe water and helping provide adequate sanitation to millions of low-income urban dwellers and measuring that impact. World leaders meeting at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000 committed themselves to attaining the Millennium Development Goal 7, target 10 which aims to reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water by 2015.



Finance Policies and Procedures Manual Volume 1

image022Small water utilities face unique challenges in delivering water and sanitation services to their customers. With a limited revenue base and few opportunities to benefit from economies of scale, they often suffer from severe skill shortages and a long legacy of underinvestment in infrastructure and capacity enhancement. To overcome these challenges, the small utilities need to maximize their operating efficiencies and ensure optimum utilization of their assets.


Global Water Operators Partnership Alliance , Strategy 2013-2017

image023Despite their frequent lack of capacity, water operators are the key actors in the management of urban water and sewerage services. Mentor water operators with relevant skills and experience, and mentee water operators that express a demand for assistance to improve their operations, have complementary motivations for taking part in non-commercial partnerships.

Water Audit Manual Volume 4
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Water Audit Manual Volume 4

Small water utilities face unique challenges in delivering water and sanitation services to their customers. With a limited revenue base and few opportunities to benefit from economies of scale, they often suffer from severe skill shortages and a long legacy of underinvestment in infrastructure and capacity enhancement. To overcome these challenges, the small utilities need to maximize their operating efficiencies and ensure optimum utilization of their assets.

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Cuando el agua fluye hacia las mujeres

Este libro tiene por objeto sistematizar las enseňanzas y aprendizajes de la transversalizacion de genéro en el sector hídrico, en Bolivia, Ecuador y México. El propósito de presentar esta experiencia, no es sólo para justificar el porqué de la transversalización de genéro en el sector agua y saneamiento, ni para demostrar que la eficiencia de los sistems hídricos aumenta cuando hay una mayor participación de la mujer.

Es ante todo para mostrar cómo cualquier iniciativa de eficiencia y eficacia debe buscar, además de la satisfacción de ncesidades concretas, como lo son el acceso al agua y al saneamiento, promover procesos de transformación social. Desde esta perspectiva, la incorporación del enfoque de género en iniciativas del sector, implica una mayor sensibilización del significado, la importancia y el impacto que tiene la participación de las mujeres con toma de decisiones en pryectos de agua para uso doméstico y productivo, ello nos enfrenta a un gran desafío al que esperamos contribuir con la sistematizción de experiencias que se presentan en este estudio.

Main Report of the First Water
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Main Report of the First Water Sanitation Trust Fund - Impact Study , Document 01

This document is the overall summary and synthesis of the first impact study of initiatives supported by UN-HABITAT’s Water and Sanitation Trust Fund (WSTF).The WSTF, which was established in 2003, aims to leverage new investment and ideas to expand the water and sanitation (WATSAN) service coverage for poor urban dwellers and help build momentum for achieving the MDGs. Its strategic plan for 2008 - 2012 envisions three key outcomes: • Increased institutional capacity in partner countries for pro-poor water and sanitation initiatives and policies with focus on gender equity, renewable energy and efficiency and environmental sustainability;• Increased flow of investment into water and sanitation sector catalysed by WSTF interventions; • Improved MDG monitoring mechanisms in place in partner countries, with improved benchmarking of water and sanitation service providers. The UN-HABITATWater, Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch (WSIB) seeks to maximise the impact of projects funded by the WSTF, and this impact study is the first of a series of impact assessments which will be undertaken over the next five years.


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Maria's Doll: UN-Habitat Series on Water and Sanitation for Lower Primary

The heavens seem angry. The rain pounds the earth, lightening strikes and the thunder roars. People are frightened. Water sweeps carrying away things on its paths. Maria’s doll is swept away. Maria embarks on a search that leads her to an adventure of a lifetime. Will she ever find her doll? Find out in this surprising story.

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River Murunji: UN-Habitat Series on Water and Sanitation for Lower Primary

River Murunji has become dirty. Its water is drying up. However, one girl named Susana and her classmates fight for River Murunji. They set out in an exciting journey to get River Murunji to its original status of glory. Will they succeed? Read and find out!