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Improving Women’s Access to Land in Eastern DRC: Challenges and Emerging Opportunities

UN Habitat has been working in the eastern DRC since 2009, and the purpose of this study is to help better understand and integrate gender issues into existing programming, and to guide future activities to improve and support women’s access to land in the region.

The study seeks to develop a baseline understanding of women’s access to land, with particular focus on the barriers under customary and statutory regimes faced by women as daughters, wives, widows, displaced, and how they are coping with these conditions.

République du Congo
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République du Congo: Profil Urbain de Pointe-Noire (French Language Version)

Pointe-Noire est une ville de la République du Congo située au centre-ouest de l'Afrique sur la façade atlantique. Du fait de l'activité pétrolière et de son port en eau profonde, elle peut être considérée comme le poumon économique du pays.

La ville s’étend sur des terrains peu élevés, sa superficie actuelle est estimée à 114 400 ha. La ville est constituée d’une série de petits plateaux séparés les uns des autres par de larges zones insalubres, ce qui crée de graves problèmes d’assainissement et de communication. 

La population de la municipalité de Pointe-Noire est de 1 100 000 habitants, répartis sur 4 communes. La ville compte 48 % d'habitants de moins de vingt ans et 33 % de chômeurs. La langue la plus parlée est le kikongo suivie du français, langue officielle du pays.

République démocratique du Congo: Profil Urbain de Kinshasa

Ville De KinshasaLa prépondérance de Kinshasa sur l’ensemble du pays apparaît singulièrement dans le secteur des industries de transformation des produits non agricoles, des services et du commerce.

L’origine de cette importance réside dans son rôle de port de transbordement des produits industriels destinés aux consommateurs de l’hinterland et des produits agricoles pour Kinshasa.


République démocratique du Congo: Profil Urbain de Bunia

Ville De BuniaA l’initiative du Bureau Régional pour l’Afrique et les Pays Arabes de l’ONU-HABITAT, la République Démocratique du Congo participe depuis juillet 2004, à la réalisation des études devant concourir à l’élaboration d’un Profil Régional du Secteur Urbain. Ce profil facilitera le développement des politiques de réduction de la pauvreté urbaine aux niveaux local, régional et national.


République démocratique du Congo: Profil Urbain de Kisangani

Ville De KisanganiLa Viilllle de Kiisanganii estt lle Cheff-lliieu de lla Proviince Oriienttalle.. Elllle estt lle siiège des iinsttiittuttiions admiiniisttrattiives de lla Proviince ett de lla muniiciipalliitté..  Troisième Ville de la République Démocratique du Congo avec une superficie de 1910 km², elle compte 853.616 habitants, dont 426.325 hommes et 427.291 femmes.


République démocratique du Congo: Profil Urbain de Lubumbashi

Rapport Ville  LubumbashiLubumbashi est une création coloniale, construite ex-nihilo : elle ne résulte pas de la transformation d’un ou de plusieurs villages préexistants. Elle est née de l’industrie minière par la volonté de l’Union Minière du Haut Katanga d’implanter à cet endroit sa première usine pour le traitement du cuivre près de la rivière Lubumbashi.


Democratic Republic of the Congo


UN-Habitat has more than 20 years’ presence in the DRC and long-lasting collaboration with both the Ministries of Urban Planning and Land Affairs, and the Provincial Government of the city-capital of Kinshasa. UN-Habitat programme in the DRC focuses on land reform and conflict mediation in Eastern DRC through the prevention and resolution of land conflicts for the strengthening of peace, stability and economic development.


The DRC will reach nearly 145 million inhabitants in 2050 (60 per cent urban residents and 40 per cent rural compared to 42 and 58 per cent in 2014). The challenge is to rethink the ideology of sustainable development in human settlements in order to promote a more concerted approach for a more coherent implementation of codes, regulations, policies and strategies at all institutional and spatial levels.

Urban numbers

Urban Population (2018): 44.5%

Urban Growth Rate (2015-2020): 4.53%

The urban population annual growth rate is 4.57%

Donors and partners

The UN-Habitat Land Program, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has received great support from various partners including the national and provincial governments, UN agencies such as UNHCR and UNDP, UCBC, etc.  Since 2012, in partnership with the UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Africa and the Ministry of Land Affairs, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has been supporting the land reform process in the DRC. This by taking into account the dissemination of knowledge, the coordination of land actors, including technical and financial partners, by implementing pro-poor, gender, conflict-sensitive land tools. The partnership has also enabled the co-organization of workshops in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri provinces on land related issues. 

The Christian Bilingual University of Congo (UCBC) supports UN-HABITAT/GLTN in the implementation of the participatory land-based community planning (PCFP). The objectives are to reduce land disputes in selected conflict affected zones through an integrated approach of land use planning and management based on both ownership and participation of a variety of stakeholders and institutional key actors.

While provincial governments in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri have been instrumental in community mobilization, awareness raising and land mediation, UN-Habitat and GLTN have also helped them build capacity in technical areas such as Land Information System and supported them with necessary logistics/ equipements (drones, computers, offices).


United Kingdom
UNDP (incl. one UN fund)


Unit Leader, Land and Global Land Tool Network
Urban Legislation, Land and Governance Branch
  • Total value of UN-Habitat investments (2008-2015): US$ 22,685,203
  • Total number of UN-Habitat projects (2008-2015): 11 projects
  • Main donors: UNDP, Canada and UNHCR, European Commission and the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Secretariat
  • Implementing partners: UNDP, UNHCR, MONUC, OCHA, PAM, FAO, UNOPS and external partners such as Search for Common Ground (SFCG) and Ministry of Land Affairs

UN-Habitat has been working mainly in North Kivu, Ituri, Bunia/Djugu, Mahagi and Masisi Territory, and the Equateur Province.

General information

Capital:  Kinshasa Major cities: the major cities of DRC are Bandundu, Bukavu,  Ilebo, Djokupunda, Goma, Isiro, Kalemie, Kananga, Kikwit, Kindu Kisangani, Kolwezi, Likasi, Lusanga, Lubumbash, Lukutu, Mbandaka, Mbanza-Ngungu and Moba. Democratic Republic of Congo is divided into various regional provinces and the cities are vital producers of minerals and natural resources.


  • Population: 65.71 million
  • GDP: US$ 17.2 billion
  • GDP growth: 7.2%
  • Urban population: 35%
  • Population growth rate (average annual %): 2.7%
  • Urban population growth rate (average annual %): 4.3%
  • Rural population growth rate (average annual %): 1.9%

Source: UN-data 2013

UN-Habitat projects in DRC

Housing, Land And Property Interventions In Eastern DRC To facilitate returns of IDPs and refugees and improve land administration.


  • Duration: September 2008 - December 2013
  • Value: US$ 8,381,669
  • Donor: UNDP Pooled Fund
  • Location: North Kivu & Ituri
  • Implementing partners: UNHCR, MONUC, OCHA,  SFCG

  Housing, Land And Property Interventions In Eastern DRC To facilitate returns of IDPs and refugees and improve land administration.

  • Duration: September - December 2013
  • Value: US$ 1,137,000
  • Donor: UNHCR

  Housing, Land and Property Interventions in Eastern DRC To facilitate returns of IDPs and refugees in North Kivu and in Ituri.

  • Duration: January 2011 - January 2014
  • Value: US$ 7,281,240
  • Location: North Kivu

  Prevention, Mediation and Follow-Up of Land Based Conflicts in Djugu,Mweso and Masisi ( Eastern DRC )   

  • Duration: July 2012 - December 2014
  • Value: US$ 425,640
  • Donor: UNDP MDTF
  • Location: North Kivu, Bunia/Djugu and Mahagi territories
  • Implementing partners: UNHCR

  Support for sustainable reintegration of returning IDPs through prevention and mediation of land conflicts

  • Duration: January 2013 - December 2013
  • Value: US$ 296,354
  • Donor: UNDP DRC
  • Location: Equateur Province
  • Implementing partners: SFCG

  Support for sustainable reintegration of returning IDPs through prevention and mediation of land conflicts

  • Duration: August 2013 - December 2014
  • Value: US$ 580,000
  • Donor: UNDP MDTF
  • Location: Equateur Province
  • Implementing partners: SFCG

  Prevention et resolution des conflits fonciers dans les zones de deplacement et de retour en territoire de Masisi (axes Sake-Mweso et sake-Nyabiondo), Province du Nord Kivu, RD Congo    

  • Duration: September 2013 - August 2015
  • Value: US$ 618,164
  • Donor: UNDP MDTF
  • Location: Masisi Territory
  • Implementing partners: UNHCR, UNDP, MONUSCO

  Programme de securisation fonciere integree pour la reintegration et la relance communautaire a l'est de la RDC.    

  • Duration: September 2013 - August 2015; January 2013 - May 2015
  • Value: US$ 643,997; US$ 467,290 respectively
  • Donor: UNDP MDTF
  • Location: Bunia, Djugu and Mahagi territories
  • Implementing Partners: The Provincial Ministries on Lands Affairs; NGO AJP (Action Justice Paix); The Land Administration; The Ituri Lands Commission ; UN agencies (UNHCR) and Mission (MONUSCO-CAS); STAREC, FAO, UNDP, Provincial Government

  Housing, Land and Property Interventions in Eastern DRC to Facilitate Return of IDPs and Refugees and Improve the Land Administration  

  • Duration: January 2010 - December 2012
  • Value: US$ 1,499,378
  • Donor: Canada
  • Location: Implementing partners: UNHCR, MONUC, Ministry of Land Affairs

  Housing, Land and Property Interventions in Eastern DRC    

  • Duration: October 2010 - December 2012
  • Value: US$ 921,761
  • Donor: UNDP DRC
  • Implementing partners: UNHCR, PAM, FAO, PNUD, UNOPS

  Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme

The Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme is being implemented with a focus on the development and adoption of inclusive policies and strategies for slum upgrading in line with the PSUP principles and contributing to the achievement of MDG 7 c and d. The Programme aims to strengthen community, city and national key stakeholders’ capacities in participatory slum upgrading in the Democratic Republic of the Congo particularly in the selected city of Kinshasa, in the neighborhood of Masina, thus adding value to the development of policy, institutional, legislative, and financial frameworks, through the implementation of a participatory pilot project.

  • Implementation Phase: Phase III
  • Duration: 29 March 2014 – 31 December 2015
  • Value: US$900,000
  • Donor: European Commission and, the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Secretariat, Gouvernement Provincial de la Ville de Kinshasa
  • Implementing Partners: UN-Habitat
  • Profile cities/ location: Kinshasa (District of Masina)

