Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and faeces.

Water Sector in Small Urban Ce
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Water Sector in Small Urban Centres: Analysis of donor flows to water supply and sanitation services

This paper presents an analysis of Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows to the water and sanitation sector, based on data gathered from the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and Creditor Reporting Systems (CRS) databases.

La Face Cachée des Villes , M
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La Face Cachée des Villes , Mettre au jour et vaincre les inégalités en santé en milieu urbain - French Language Version

Le rapport mondial La Face cachée des villes : Mettre au jour et vaincre les inégalités en santé en milieu urbain constitue une composante importante de la stratégie générale de l’OMS et d’ONU-Habitat visant à renforcer les interventions des acteurs de la santé au niveau local, national et mondial en vue de réduire les inégalités en santé dans un monde toujours plus urbanisé. 

Ce rapport montre que les citadins pauvres sont particulièrement exposés à une multitude de maladies et de problèmes de santé, imputables à des disparités dans le contexte social et les conditions de vie. En outre, il propose des informations reposant sur des données factuelles et des outils dont les autorités sanitaires et municipales peuvent se servir pour lutter contre les inégalités en santé dans leur ville.


Guia de Permacultura
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Guia de Permacultura

La permacultura parte del supuesto de que si queremos sobrevivir como especie, es imprescindible transitar de una cultura de consumismo hacia la cultura de la autosuficiencia local y la producción sustentable, buscando la progresiva reduccióndel consumo de recursos y energía1. Es decir, las sociedades humanas deben aprender a satisfacer sus necesidades dentro de ciertos límites ecológicos. Para ello es imprescindible recuperar y desarrollar una variedad de habilidades tanto conceptuales como prácticas.La sustentabilidad implica un equilibrio dinámico, no una condición estática, es un proceso de evolución más que una meta.

Los sistemas de permacultura persiguen desarrollar, a través del diseño y la aplicación de estrategias conscientes, ambientesconstruidos por los seres humanos con la capacidad de adaptación y recuperación ante situaciones cambiantes, que tienen los sistemas naturales.La presente guía pretende apoyar el proceso educativo que significa re-construir relaciones armónicas entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza. También se propone ayudar a promover la concepción de la permacultura, en su contribución a difundir la visión de ciclo cerrado como parte del manejo integral del agua y los nutrientes,en hábitats que garanticen la salud humana y ambiental de manera permanente.

Main Report of the First Water
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Main Report of the First Water Sanitation Trust Fund - Impact Study , Document 01

This document is the overall summary and synthesis of the first impact study of initiatives supported by UN-HABITAT’s Water and Sanitation Trust Fund (WSTF).The WSTF, which was established in 2003, aims to leverage new investment and ideas to expand the water and sanitation (WATSAN) service coverage for poor urban dwellers and help build momentum for achieving the MDGs. Its strategic plan for 2008 - 2012 envisions three key outcomes: • Increased institutional capacity in partner countries for pro-poor water and sanitation initiatives and policies with focus on gender equity, renewable energy and efficiency and environmental sustainability;• Increased flow of investment into water and sanitation sector catalysed by WSTF interventions; • Improved MDG monitoring mechanisms in place in partner countries, with improved benchmarking of water and sanitation service providers. The UN-HABITATWater, Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch (WSIB) seeks to maximise the impact of projects funded by the WSTF, and this impact study is the first of a series of impact assessments which will be undertaken over the next five years.


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Kenya Country Impact Study , Document 02

This document is an internal Kenya country impact study of initiatives supported THE UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund (WSTF). The objective of the WSTF, established in 2003, was to bring in new investment and ideas, expand service coverage for poor urban dwellers and help build momentum for achieving the MDGs.The impact study reviewed the overall strategy of the WSTF, examined the Kenya country context and the UN-HABITAT country strategy, and undertook an impact study of specific projects. Information was gathered from project documents, interviews with key stakeholders including project beneficiaries, and field visits.


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Nepal Country Impact Study , Document 03

This document is an internal Nepal country impact study of initiatives supported by UN-HABITAT’s Water and Sanitation Trust Fund (WSTF) undertaken by a team of international consultants. The objective of the WSTF is to bring in new investment and ideas, expand service coverage for poor urban dwellers, and help build momentum for achieving the MDGs. UN-HABITAT is a newcomer to the Urban WATSAN sector in Nepal, but has managed to establish itself as a notable development partner in this field. UNHABITAT’s comparative advantage is its focus on the complex problem of the urban poor, the ability to integrate WSS approaches across the urban sector, and community involvement from the outset of the project.


Collection of Municipal Solid
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Collection of Municipal Solid Waste, Key issues for Decision-makers in Developing Countries

The collection of municipal solid waste is a public service that has important impacts on public health and the appearance of towns and cities. Unfortunately many urban administrations seem to be losing the battle of coping with the ever-increasing quantities of waste. The challenge is made greater by the diversity of materials in the waste, which is no longer mainly food waste and ash, but includes more and more plastic packaging, paper and discarded electronic equipment.

The booklet is written for decision-makers in the fields of local politics, management and technical issues and who are concerned to upgrade the solid waste collection service for which they are responsible.


External Evaluation-1
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External Evaluation of UN-HABITAT's Water and Sanitation Trust Fund - Part 1: Synthesis Report

During the Water and Sanitation Trust Fund's Advisory Board meeting in 2010, the Government of Norway announced its intention to undertake an external evaluation of its support to the Trust Fund. Subsequently, the Governments of Norway, Spain and the Netherlands, in collaboration with UN-Habitat, decided to jointly undertake the evaluation.


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Maria's Doll: UN-Habitat Series on Water and Sanitation for Lower Primary

The heavens seem angry. The rain pounds the earth, lightening strikes and the thunder roars. People are frightened. Water sweeps carrying away things on its paths. Maria’s doll is swept away. Maria embarks on a search that leads her to an adventure of a lifetime. Will she ever find her doll? Find out in this surprising story.

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River Murunji: UN-Habitat Series on Water and Sanitation for Lower Primary

River Murunji has become dirty. Its water is drying up. However, one girl named Susana and her classmates fight for River Murunji. They set out in an exciting journey to get River Murunji to its original status of glory. Will they succeed? Read and find out!