The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme will hold its second open-ended meeting in preparations for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly for the year 2023 from 29 to 31 May and on 2 June 2023.
- Notification by the Executive Director
- Proposed Provisional Agenda
- Programme
- Pre-session documents
- In-session documents
- Draft outcomes of the CPR
- Ministerial Declaration
- Post-session documents
- Statements
- Seating arrangement
- Information for participants
- Daily journal
Notification by the Executive Director
Proposed Provisional Agenda
Pre-session documents
HSP/OECPR.2023/INF/1: List of documents before the second open-ended meeting of Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR)
HSP/OECPR.2021/7 -Report of the first open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme: high-level midterm review
HSP/OECPR.2021/8-Outcomes of the first open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives for a high-level midterm review
HSP/HA.2/8: Proposed extension of the current strategic plan of UN-Habitat for the period 2020–2023 to cover the period 2024–2025, including alignment of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review process with UN-Habitat planning cycles
HSP/HA.2/9 - Midterm evaluation of the implementation of the strategic plan for the period 2020–2023
In-session documents
Draft outcomes of the CPR
HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP7/Rev.1-Biodiverse and Resilient Cities - Mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into urban and territorial planning
HSP/OECPR/2023/CRP1 Draft resolutions, draft procedural decisions and draft Ministerial Declaration
HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP3-Draft procedural decisions for the consideration of the second open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UN-Habitat for the preparations for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly
HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP12/Rev.1-Creation of a Human Settlements Resilience Framework (early warning, foresight, risk reduction, crises response and post-crises recovery and reconstruction)
HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP13/Rev.1-Equitable Financing and Effective Monitoring of the Implementation of Resolutions Adopted by the United Nations Habitat Assembly
Ministerial Declaration
Post-session documents
HSP/OECPR.2023/2- Report of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme on the work of its second open-ended meeting
HSP/OECPR.2023/2: Second open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme - Summary by the Chair
Seating arrangement
Information for participants
Daily journal