Cities are on the front lines of COVID-19

May 12th, 2020

Across the globe, COVID-19 is threatening cities and communities, endangering not only public health, but also the economy and the fabric of society.  COVID-19 is already having a deep,…

Urban Thinkers Campuses look at safety in cities and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic

May 12th, 2020

Nairobi, 12 May 2020  - As part of the COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus Series organized by the World Urban Campaign, two online events, which attracted over 125 participants, discussed safety in…

Youth lead the way in preventing COVID-19 spread in Kenya’s informal settlements

May 12th, 2020

Nairobi, 12 May 2020 – Young people in Kenya’s informal settlements, cities and towns are the driving force behind preventative measures in the community. Over 175,000 handwashes have taken place at…

Can COVID-19 fill the void of City Governance for Urban Transformation?

May 12th, 2020

COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of our urban systems like never before. In India and across the globe, the pandemic has taken its roots in cities and proven to be the single most potent…

Participants at COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus discuss critical need for housing

May 11th, 2020

Nairobi, 7 May 2020  - The third online COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campuses, focusing on housing, was organized by the World Urban Campaign with Habitat for Humanity and Compass Housing Services, the…

Women’s leadership will be critical in the post-COVID-19 era #BeyondTheOutbreak

May 11th, 2020

6 May 2020 - The twelfth thematic live learning experience  organized by UCLG and UN-Habitat provided an opportunity for local and regional women leaders from across the world to outline their key…

COVID-19 in Vulnerable Contexts: Spatial Profiling for Adaptive Responses in Kakuma-Kalobeyei

May 8th, 2020

Despite the inevitable nature of pandemics such as COVID-19, the health and socio-economic impacts have sent shockwaves through cities and towns globally revealing structural weaknesses in our urban…

Press Release - Innovation, Proximity and Solidarity: Local Economic Development as Immediate Response

May 8th, 2020

#BeyondTheOutbreak The 10th Live Learning session on 30 April, hosted by UCLG, Metropolis and UN-Habitat, with the UCLG Committee on Local Economic and Social Development looked at how local and…

Second COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus addresses water and sanitation challenges

May 7th, 2020

Nairobi, 6 May 2020  - Some 120 participants joined the second COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus session to discuss the challenges faced by the most vulnerable communities in accessing basic services…

First COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus discusses putting communities at the centre of the crisis response

May 7th, 2020

Nairobi, 4 May 2020  - Over 100 participants joined the first COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus session to discuss the importance of local communities in addressing the current crisis in informal…

Youth in Nairobi slum use murals to educate the community about COVID-19

May 6th, 2020

Nairobi, May 2020 – Young artists in Nairobi’s informal settlement Mathare are using their talent to educate residents about how to prevent COVID-19 through brightly coloured murals. A youth group,…

Harnessing the Voices of Youth to Increase Democratic Space in Southwest State, Somalia

May 5th, 2020

Mogadishu, 6 May 2020—An initiative of UN-Habitat and sister UN agencies has seen an upsurge in the number of young people getting elected into the Southwest state parliament of Somalia.The young…

Central America prepares a Plan for Social Reconstruction in response to the COVID-19 crisis focusing on informal settlements and sustainable urban development

May 5th, 2020

Panama City 6 May 2020-- Last week the Central American Social Integration Council (CIS) representing 8 countries of the region, made up of National Ministries in charge for social development and…

Supporting those in informal settlements and economy during COVID-19 and beyond

May 4th, 2020

The latest in the series of Live Learning Sessions organized by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UN-Habitat, which took place on April 29 focused on vulnerable and marginalized…

How Life in Our Cities Will Look After the Coronavirus Pandemic

May 4th, 2020

The pandemic will change urban life forever. We asked 11 leading global experts in urban policy, planning, history, and health for their predictions. By Richard Florida, Edward Glaeser, Maimunah…