
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
In a world grappling with crises, cities emerge as pivotal agents of change. UN-Habitat’s 2023 report underscores the urgent need for urban transformation to tackle issues ranging from climate change to inequality,… Read more
Global Report
Rescuing SDG 11 for a resilient urban planet
The current report shows that the world is off track in achieving SDG 11. Rescuing SDG 11 is urgent for the sake of present and future generations. The report points to the immense opportunities that exist and the… Read more
Tools to Support Transparency in Local Governance
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Tools to Support Transparency in Local Governance
The publication is a guide for all urban stakeholders - policy makers, professionals, private sector, civil society organizations and concerned citizens working to improve the quality of life in their cities.
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Urban Trialogues cover image
Technical Report
Urban Trialogues
This book looks at the process and outputs of the Localising Agenda 21 programme in Nakuru (Kenya), Essaouira (Morocco), Vinh (Vietnam) and Bayamo (Cuba), an reflects on the relationship between sustainable visions for possible futures and strategic urban projects.
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Flagship Report
世界城市状况报告 2004/2005 (State of World's Cities 2004-2005)
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72 Frequently Asked Questions
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
72 Frequently Asked Questions about Participatory Budgeting
The present Manual of Frequently Asked Questions intends to respond in a direct and practical way to the general question of how best to implement a Participatory Budget.
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72 Espanol
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
72 respuestas a Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Presupuestos Participativos Municipales (Espanol)
El presente Manual forma parte de la Colección de Recursos sobre Presupuesto Participativo.
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 	State of the World’s Cities 2004/2005 - Globalization and Urban Culture
Flagship Report
State of the World’s Cities 2004/2005 - Globalization and Urban Culture
The State of the World’s Cities 2004/2005 charts the progress and the challenges we face in this rapidly urbanising world. With contributions from some of the world’s leading urban scholars, writers and experts, this report carries extensive examples, illustrations and facts that are of use to experts and non-experts alike.
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Urban-Rural Linkages: An annotated bibliography 1994-2004
Technical Report
Urban-Rural Linkages: An annotated bibliography 1994-2004
This publication was released to mark the theme of World Habitat Day 2004 - Cities: engines of rural development - and in support of the UN-HABITAT conference on Urban-Rural Linkages Approach to Development, 1-4 October 2004.
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Lake Victoria Region Water and
Technical Report
Lake Victoria Region Water and Sanitation Intitiative, Rapid appraisal of water and Sanitation in 30 Selected Urban Centers
UN-HABITAT has been implementing the Water for African Cities Programme since 1999. The programme is a direct follow-up to the Cape Town Declaration, adopted by African Ministers in December 1997, addressing the urgent need for improved water management in urban areas of the continent.
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Local to Local Dialogue A Gras
Technical Report
Local to Local Dialogue: A Grassroot Women’s Perspective on Good Governance
Local to Local Dialogue: A Grassroots Women’s Perspective on Good Governance, describes locally designed strategies through which grassroots women’s groups initiate and engage in ongoing dialogue with local authorities, with a view to influence policies, plans and programmes in ways that address women’s priorities. six case studies chronicle the experiences and efforts of each of the women’s groups to identify priorities and negotiate with local authorities.
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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