Stories and Images from the Previous Sessions

Bureau of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Composition of the Bureau

The first Joint Bureaux meeting of the Governing Bodies (UN-Habitat Assembly, Committee of Permanent Representatives and Executive Board) was held on Friday 31st May 2019 at 2:00 pm.



Latin America and Caribbean Group - Mexico


Africa Group - Ghana

Eastern European Group - Poland

Western European and Others Group - Germany


Asia Pacific Group - China

Meetings of the Bureau

Joint Bureaux meeting – 18 October 2022
Provisional Agenda for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly (Agenda item 2)

Resolution 20/21 on the organization and themes for future sessions of the Governing Council (Agenda items 3 &4)

Themes of past sessions of the Governing Council and of the first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly (Agenda items 3&4)

Concept note on the special theme of the second session of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Presentation by the Secretariat

Statement by the Executive Director

Summary of discussions