Educational modules for the Curricula of Universities, Higher Education and Training Institutions on Climate Change in Urban Areas These modules provide an overview of theory and concepts of climate change including mitigation, adaptation, risk and vulnerability, and demonstrate how climate change is a key issue in urban areas. Climate change education is needed to address the challenges of climate change and universities play an important role in transferring knowledge The modules show how cities are both affected by and contribute to climate change and how planning for climate change is essential. The project was supported by funding from the Government of Norway. The modules were developed under the Habitat UNI, the UN-Habitat partnership with universities globally. The Cities and Climate Change Academy is one of the components of the Cities and Climate Change Initiative. The developers of the modules were organized in consortia of universities that collaborated intensively in the development of the modules
Objective of the Modules
The main objective of these modules is to provide a comprehensive body of knowledge on climate change in the context of cities and to provide universities, higher education institutions and training organizations with ready-to-use materials and case studies to be utilized in their regular educational and training programs. Target Audience: University lecturers and other trainers in post-secondary learning institutions.
How to use the Modules
These modules can be incorporated into existing university curricula or used as new courses. They can be used as they are designed or be adapted to different contexts and target groups. Users are encouraged to adapt, improve and enhance the content and structure of the sessions that comprise the modules. Each module contains:
- PowerPoint presentation
- Lecture Notes
- Syllabus
- Reading list
There are also several case studies linking to the themes of the modules. Each module focuses on a specific topic and provides a theoretical overview on relevant concepts and principles. In order to connect the theoretical knowledge with practical applications, each module includes case studies from different parts of the world. These case studies enable students to understand the applications of the theoretical material in different cities and contexts. The modules therefore have a unique combination of theory and practical applications that will facilitate improved knowledge on climate change in urban areas. The modules are also available in Spanish. They were adapted by Foro Ciudades para la Vida and contain additional case studies on Latin America. Please contact or to obtain the modules in Spanish
Module 1: Theory and Concepts of Climate Change and Cities
- Hartmut Funfgeld, RMIT University, Global Cities Research Institute, Australia
- Elisabeth Hamin, University of Massachusetts, United States
- Willemien van Niekerk, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Module 2: The Practice of Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- Willemien van Niekerk, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Module 3: Planning for Climate Change
- Hartmut Funfgeld, RMIT University, Global Cities Research Institute, Australia
- Elisabeth Hamin, University of Massachusetts, United States
- Willemien van Niekerk, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Module 4: Climate Change and Urban Water Cycle Management
- Rosemary Awuor-Hayangah, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Nikolai Bobylev, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia
- Njoya Silas Ngetar, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Khatanbaatar Altantuul, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia
- Nadjet Aroua, Ecole polytechnique d’Architecture & d’urbanisme of Algiers, Algeria
Module 5: Climate Change and Urban Energy
- Prof. Yves D. Bussière, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico
- Dirk Heinrichs, Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Centre, Germany
- Kosta Mathéy, Global Urban Studies Institute (GLOBUS), Free University of Berlin, Germany
Module 6: Climate Change and Urban Mobility
- Dirk Heinrichs, Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Centre, Germany
- Kosta Mathéy, Global Urban Studies Institute (GLOBUS), Free University of Berlin, Germany
Module 7: Climate Change and Shelter & Housing
- Susan Roaf, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
- Kosta Mathéy, Global Urban Studies Institute (GLOBUS), Free University of Berlin, Germany
Contact Information
UN-Habitat would like to know how you are using the modules and to hear your suggestions. If you are using the modules please let us know. Please contact us on or