Final Evaluation of the Emergency Support to Safer Hospitals and Settlements (BEHTAB Phase II) Project

The project objective was to establish the foundations toward disaster preparedness and enhancement of response capacity, post‐crisis recovery, and crisis risk reduction (including health) associated with natural hazards and pandemics in healthcare facilities, communities and vulnerable people depending on the usage. The main intended outcome was to improve structural and non‐structural resilience of Hospitals in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This evaluation covered the project implementation period of the second Phase of MoU of Tehran Office and the start of the Project in January 2021 up to 31 March 2024. The evaluation was evidenced-based, covering the project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact outlook, and sustainability in the eight targeted cities. An independent and external consultant conducted the evaluation in May 2024.

Final Evaluation of Youth and Urban Regeneration Somalia (YOURS) Project

The YOURS project successfully contributed to sustainable urban development by building resilient communities, providing urban services, and creating livelihood opportunities for residents and marginalized groups, notably through the construction of permanent housing for IDPs and enhancing youth employability through various skills training.

The project's achievements include securing legal housing for IDPs, fostering economic empowerment, improving youth incomes through skill development, and creating sustainable partnerships with state and non-state actors. Additionally, the mainstreaming of durable solution strategies into routine government functions emerged as the project's most significant success, contributing to the achievement of both the Sustainable Development Goals and national priorities.

Mid-Term Evaluation 2030 Agenda Sub-Fund Project "Fostering COVID-19 recovery and SDG implementation through local action in Asia-Pacific, Arab and African countries"
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Mid-Term Evaluation 2030 Agenda Sub-Fund Project "Fostering COVID-19 recovery and SDG implementation through local action in Asia-Pacific, Arab and African countries"

The 2030 Agenda Sub-Fund Project “Fostering COVID-19 recovery and SDG implementation through local action in Asia-Pacific, Arab and African countries” (PDF-SDG-2021-05) was led by UN-Habitat and funded by 2030 Agenda Sub-fund of the Peace Development Fund. The partner implementing entities are: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), United Nations Economic Commission for West Asia (UNESCWA), United Cities Local Governments World Secretariat (UCLG) and the Local 2030 Coalition.

Evaluation of National Urban Policy Programme 2014-2021 (2022/5)
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Evaluation of National Urban Policy Programme 2014-2021 (2022/5)

This report provides the outcomes of an evaluation of the National Urban Policy Programme (NUPP) since 2014, undertaken in 2020 and 2021 by RMIT University.

The report affirmed the importance of urban policy and its role in sustainable, equitable and inclusive societies. Additionally, the evaluation found the National Urban Policy Programme to be highly relevant to contemporary urban challenges and has been effective in raising awareness of the need for national level policy to manage urbanization.

End-Term Project Evaluation of the Rehabilitation of Dar Al-Consul into a Residential and Civic Center- Phases II/III (2022/2)
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End-Term Project Evaluation of the Rehabilitation of Dar Al-Consul into a Residential and Civic Center- Phases II/III (2022/2)

The Dar al-Consul Rehabilitation Project is an 8 years project, consisting of Phases I, II & III. The project is implemented by UN-Habitat and partners and supported by the EU with a total funding of 4.23million Euros, which aimed at improving the living conditions of Palestinian youth and families in the Old City of Jerusalem and enhancing the Palestinian cultural and civic identity. Phases II and III ended in October 2021. The end-term project evaluation of the Project Rehabilitation of Dar Al-Consul into a Residential and Civic Center - Phases II/III, started end of Nov. 2021 and extend till Feb 2022. 

Mid-Term Evaluation of Achieving Planning and Land Rights Project in Area C, West Bank, Palestine (2019 – 2023)
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Mid-Term Evaluation of Achieving Planning and Land Rights Project in Area C, West Bank, Palestine (2019-2023) (2021/7)

The midterm-project evaluation of “Achieving Planning and Land Rights in Area C”, West Bank, Palestine for the period 2019-2023 was mandated by the donor, the European Union (EU), and in-line with UN-Habitat Evaluation Policy (2013) and the Revised UN-Habitat Evaluation Framework (2016).

The project is funded by the EU under contribution agreement No. [ENI/2019/408-287] with a total funding of Euro 4 million and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG), the Land and Water Settlement Commission (LWSC), and other local, national, and international partners, including the Palestinian Land Authority (PLA), Office of Prime Minister (PMO), and the World Bank, amongst others.

The midterm-project evaluation serves both accountability and learning purposes. It is intended to provide accountability on what has been achieved so far by the project at objectives, expected accomplishment (outcomes) and output levels by assessing the achievements, challenges and opportunities of the project through measurement and analysis of all the phases of the project management cycle in relation to its results chain and the project’s logical framework. It is also intended to enhance learning by identifying what is working, what needs improvement, gaps and where adjustments are needed, lessons learned and recommendations in order to improve the implementation of the project in the remaining period of its delivery.

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Final Evaluation: Promoting low emission urban development strategies in emerging economy countries’ (Urban-LEDS), December 2016

This Final Evaluation of the Urban-LEDS Project was carried out during the period May – September 2016. The Objective of the Project is “to enhance the transition [of cities] to low emission urban development in emerging economy countries.”  The Project began in March 2012 and ended in March 2016 (48 months). The total Project budget provided by the European Commission was €6.7 million Euros.

The primary purpose of this Final Evaluation assesses the achievements of the overall Objective “Cities in emerging economy countries adopt Urban Low Emission Development Strategies,” the Expected Accomplishment (EA), the two sub-EAs, and results. Sub-EA 1 of the Project was to adapt a national-level approach to city-level low emissions strategies development. This was to be accomplished through the preparation of LED strategies in Project Model Cities and where possible in Satellite Cities. The evaluation will also focus on Project results to establish, by design, a vertically integrated project approach that addresses climate change issues between different levels of government. This includes advocacy and support activities at the global level. The Expected Accomplishments of the Urban LEDS Project have been achieved in an outstanding manner.

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Final Evaluation of the UN-Habitat Jordan Affordable Housing Programme, Phase 1, November 2016

The purpose of the Jordan Affordable Housing Programme (JAH Programme) evaluation is to provide UN-Habitat, its partners and donors a forward-looking assessment of UN-Habitat’s operational capacity, experience, achievements and challenges in the implementation of the programme. Focus was on assessing relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact outlook and sustainability as well as integrating of crosscutting issues of environment, gender, youth and human rights, draw lessons learned and make recommendations for a second phase.

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Mid-term Review of the Global Land Tool Network Phase 2 Programme, October 2016

This Mid Term Review (MTR) report is meant to establish the progress made in the implementation of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Phase 2 Programme (2012-2017), covering the period of 2012-2015. The GLTN, a unit within UN-Habitat, is a partner-network of over seventy international institutions. It is established in 2006 and works to promote secure land and property rights for all, through the development of pro-poor and gender sensitive land tools. The GLTN’s Programme objective is to ensure that international organisations, UN-Habitat staff and related land Programmes including targeted national and local governments, are better able to improve tenure security of the urban and rural poor.

BASF Website
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Evaluation of BASF Stiftung UN-Habitat Programme Contribution Towards Sustainable Development, December 2014

The BASF Stiftung and UN-Habitat partnership was established in 2005. Its major thrust is the (i) exchange of best practices; (ii) sustainable reconstruction projects for disaster areas; and (iii) dissemination of information and application of environmental technologies. Since the inception of this partnership, BASF Stiftung has funded 19 projects with a total value of USD 4,217,309. But the actual value of these projects may be higher, taking into account the many additional in-kind contributions of local beneficiary communities, local project partners, and UN-Habitat. Apart from these additional contributions (cash and in-kind), the evaluation found that all projects have generated great enthusiasm and interest by a large diversity of stakeholders.