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Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks , Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Block (ISSB) technology has been gaining recognition, particularly in East Africa. This material and method of construction has the advantages of low cost and minimal environmental impact, while providing comparable quality to conventional fired brick construction. With a growing number of organisations using the technology there is a need to improve communication and knowledge-sharing, to quantify and verify the benefits, and to develop efficient approaches for its promotion and adoption.

The purpose of this publication is to promote the use of ISSB by sharing some case studies of successful adoption and adaptation to local contexts. It also highlights some of the challenges faced in developing and promoting the technology with some key lessons learned from projects in northern Uganda. This document provides stakeholders interested in the sustainable development of human settlements with a reference tool for an innovative construction method in practice.

Viet Nam Housing Sector Profil
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Viet Nam Housing Sector Profile

The report provides us with an in-depth analysis of the various dimensions of housing and highlights some constraints that require the attention of public policy.

The Housing Profile report of Viet Nam will certainly contribute to the effort of the government of Viet Nam to review and advance the urban agenda in the context of the sustainable urbanisation paradigm and to provide wider accessibility to adequate housing, as outlined in the Habitat Agenda (1996).

The achievement of this goal in Viet Nam is part and parcel of the country’s current urbanisation strategies and the urban policies currently being designed and implemented by the government of Viet Nam. The Housing Profile report reveals that Viet Nam has achieved significant improvements in these fields.

Profil du Secteur du Logement
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Profil du Secteur du Logement Urban au Senegal (Senegal Urban Housing Sector Profile)

Le profil du secteur du logement au Sénégal est une analyse complète du secteur du logement urbain, avec un regard concentre sur l'identification de ses points forts et faiblesses. Le profil contribue à la création d'un cadre devant permettre la provision d'un logement convenable pour tous. Il apporte une compréhension globale du fonctionnement du secteur du logement urbain, référence pouvant faire autorité pour l'ensemble des acteurs du secteur. Il fournit une série de recommandations pour l'élaboration des politiques et adressées aux acteurs clé intervenant dans les mécanismes de provision de logement, et notamment des actions prioritaires nécessaires à leur amélioration.  

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Tilmaamaha Xirfadeysan ee Farsamada Dhismooyinka

Tilmaamaha xirfadeysan ee farsamada dhismooyinka waxaa sameeyay mashruuca “Sustainable Employment Creation and Improved Livelihoods of Vulnerable Communities in Mogadishu (SECIL)” “Shaqo abuurista joogtada ah iyo sare u qaadida nolosha bulshada taagta daran ee ku nool Muqdishu (SECIL)” ayadoo ku saleysan khibradda hey’adda unhabitat u leedahay mashaariicda guryeynta, horumarinta kaabayaasha, dhib-u-dhiska iyo dayactrika ee soomaaliya. ayado la tix raacayo Buugga ay qortay Heini Muller’s ee “Basic Construction Training Manual for Trainers” “buugyaraha tababarka aasaasiga dhismaha ee tababarayasha” Buugga tababarka ujeedadiisu waxay tahay in sare loo qaado tayada xirfadleyda ka shaqeeysa dhismaha iyo sido kale sare u qaadidda tayada dib u dhiska iyo soo kordhinta farsamooyincusub.

A Practical Guide for Conducti
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A Practical Guide for Conducting Housing Profiles - Revised Version

A practical guide to conducting comprehensive national housing profiles with a direct objective of understanding the housing sector, while offering evidence-based data to inform policy reform. The housing profile process also aims to be highly participatory and engage multi-stakeholder groups that influence and are influenced by the housing sector.

This is a guide that has global relevance to a world that is rapidly urbanizing and where populations growth continues to create unprecedented housing demand, particularly in developing countries.

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Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile

This publication evaluates the housing finance mechanism in Chile, with special attention to the issues of affordability, efficiency, effectiveness, and stability. Over the past three decades, the impact of the Chilean government’s social housing policy on the availability and affordability of housing has been substantial, drastically improving access to low and middle-income level households. During the same period there has been a consolidation of the market economy in the country, accompanied by a deep reform of the financial markets, together with more affordable access to long-term credit by households. All this has resulted in the substantial erosion of the historically large housing deficit.  

A much more dynamic construction sector has contributed - complementing an aggressive social housing policy receiving large fiscal support - to a robust supply of new housing in the marketplace. As reflected in available statistics, gains in income levels, combined with easier family access to reasonably priced housing finance in recent decades, has resulted in much improved living conditions for large segments of the population, benefiting households across the income spectrum. One of the objectives of this report is to share the Chilean experience and some of the lessons learned, particularly those that may be replicable in other countries in the developing world.

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Building materials and construction technologies: Annotated UN-Habitat bibliography

Summary of existing UN-Habitat publications, reports and other documents on building materials and construction technologies. Provides readers with an overview of work undertaken by UN-Habitat in these fields during the last two decades. Provides a general introduction and summary of each reviewed report, as well as an indication of their availability in printed and/or electronic formats.