Nairobi pledges to support youth centre on International Youth Day

Nairobi, 12 August 2016 - This year’s International Youth Day was marked in Nairobi with song and dance as the County Government pledged to re-establish the UN-Habitat founded One Stop Youth Resource Centre.

“I am making the commitment here that the Nairobi City County Government will from this financial year ensure that the One Stop Youth Resource Centre is empowered to give the young people of Nairobi opportunities to explore their talents,” the Executive in charge of ICT and Youth Anne Lokidor said.


Kenya’s proposed Smart City signs agreement with UN-Habitat

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Nairobi, 11 August 201- The Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA), the body charged with developing Africa’s first ‘Smart City’ has entered into an agreement with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to standardize the development of the Konza Techno City.
The agreement was signed on Thursday at the UN-Habitat headquarters by KoTDA Board Chairman Dr. Reuben Mutiso and Prof.Oyeyinka Oyebanji, Director, UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Africa (RoAF).


UN-Habitat meets with the new refugee community in a design workshop

Kalobyei2Kayolobeyei, Kenya 10 August 2016-- UN-Habitat with the support of the Government of Japan is contributing to the spatial planning component for the new refugee settlement in Kalobeyei, Turkana County. The UN-Habitat approach has a strong participatory component and is as such following a series of participatory research and planning workshops with the host and refugee communities. .



Harnessing the Power of Indigenous Cultures for Better Cities

Nairobi, 9 August 2016 – As we celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples in our final stretch towards Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, and the New Urban Agenda to be adopted this October, we must take time to reflect and take action to address the many challenges and opportunities that urbanization represents for indigenous communities.


Discussions push ever closer to adoption of a New Urban Agenda

Nairobi, 5 August 2016 – In preparation for the Habitat III conference to be held in Quito in October, the third session of the Preparatory Committee - PrepCom3 - closed with strong progress towards the adoption of the New Urban Agenda.

In three intensive days of negotiations in Surabaya, Indonesia, delegates from member states recognized the importance of sustainable urbanization and discussed the ways in which it could influence Agenda 2030 and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Turkana Youth exploring towns` livelihoods in UN-Habitat photography workshops

Kakuma-Turkana1Kakuma, Kenya 4 August 2016—A group of youths from Kakuma and Kaloeyebei areas of Kenya’s Turkana County recently had the once in a lifetime opportunity to train in photography. The photography workshop was organized by UN-Habitat Kakuma within the project Supporting Planning for Integrated Refugees and Host Communities, funded by the Government of Japan.



Latin America, Caribbean housing ministers discuss Habitat III and New Urban Agenda

Asunción, 4 August 2016 – The 25th Assembly of Ministers and High Authorities of Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI) was recently held here and one of the topics of work was the New Urban Agenda and the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Habitat III, which will be in Quito Ecuador, between 17 and 20 October.
