UN-Habitat hosts Urban Thinkers Campus on public space

Nairobi, 25 April 2017--UN-Habitat, Placemakers, the Project for Public Spaces and the International New Town Institute are organising an Urban Thinkers Campus event on the topic of the 'city we need' and its relationhip to safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces, at the UN Nairobi compound, 3-4 May 2017. The Urban Thinkers Campus will focus on the implementation of public spaces through participatory urban processes, like placemaking. Good quality public spaces are excellent starting points for improving the standards of urban life for all citizens.


Promoting green urban space and historic neighborhoods in Chengdu, China

Chengdu, 13 April 2017 – UN-Habitat and UN-Environment, in collaboration with the Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, have started working on an assessment of the development plans for the city’s Greenbelt and Shaocheng District.


Validation of the draft Spatial Plan for Kalobeyei Settlement underway

Turkana – 12 April 2017. In 2016 UN-Habitat, supported by the Japanese government, began working on developing a Local Advisory Spatial Plan for the new KALOBEYEI Settlement. This was in close collaboration with UNHCR, Ministry of Land, Shelter and Urban Development and through participatory processes including workshops, focus groups and participatory meetings with the host and refugee commuters.


Using inclusive processes – such as participatory slum upgrading – to empower women and girls as drivers and recipients of the New Urban Agenda

New York, 10 March 2017 - At the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York (13-24 March 2017), the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Ms Amina Mohamed and other keynote speakers, reaffirmed the catalytic role that women and girls play in development. Importantly, the Deputy Secretary General and other speakers called for participatory approaches, such as slum upgrading, to be used as tools to deliver the sustainable development goals, especially urban goal 11 “making cities inclusive” as well as the New Urban Agenda.


Promoting socially inclusive, integrated cities through capacity development of Ugandan government authorities

Berlin – 5 April 2017. The first Capacity Development based on the UN-Habitat MetroHUB methodology was held in Berlin, Germany for 19 Ugandan government officials.  The capacity development and learning exchange visit to Berlin was a tailor made programme for the participants from 14 Ugandan municipalities and the Uganda Ministry for Urban Development.  The Ugandan Minister of State for Urban Development, Hon. Isaac Isanga Musumba, also took part in the Capacity Development, linking the projects and presentations to national and presidential priorities.


Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme Empowers Women and Girls through Community-Managed Funding

Drawing from its extensive experience in building inclusive governance capacity, promoting adequate housing, and improvement of living standards for people living in slums through implementing slum upgrading projects, UN-Habitat has consolidated an integrated, in-situ citywide approach to slum upgrading and prevention in its Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP).
