Under Delivering as One, UN agencies come to the rescue of Ghanaian villagers

4 April 2018--Chief Zanman Sambian of Timpant area in Bunkpuguru District of Ghana runs his chiefdom in a democratic way not found in many African communities. As he holds court, the 65-year-old father of 17 welcomes a hodge-podge of his subjects to sit under a shade as the fiery sun pushes the thermometer to the near reaches of 40 degrees. Children, women, the youth- almost anyone able to attend- is allowed the chance to sit and drink from the chief’s deep well of knowledge.


UN-Habitat celebrates International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, promotes the development of safe and generative urban spaces

Statement by UN-Habitat Executive Director, Maimunah Mohd Sharif

6 April, 2018

Today, we celebrate the role of sports in promoting development and peace. The UN General Assembly has designated 6 April as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, commemorating the inauguration of the first Olympic games of the modern era, in Athens, Greece in 1896. Adoption of the Day signifies the increasing recognition by the Member States of the positive influence that sport can have on the advancement of human rights, social and economic development.


Donor team visits the Kalobeyei Settlement in Kenya’s Turkana County

Kalobeyei, 6 April 2018 --UN-Habitat together with UNHCR organized a one-day donor mission to Kakuma to tour the Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement Development Programme. The mission, which was convened by UN-Habitat Executive Director Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, brought together ambassadors and UN-Habitat representatives from several member states - including the main donor to the project, the government of Japan.


UN-Habitat Executive Director clarifies that the Agency’s headquarter functions remain in Nairobi

Nairobi, 3 April 2018—UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimuna Moh’d Sharif, in a rejoinder to a story by Kenya’s Star newspaper, has allayed the fears that the agency might be split and some of the functions at the global headquarters in Nairobi be taken away to New York and the Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa.


Cleaning, Greening and Painting Campaign kicks off in Kabul

Kabul, 3 April 2018 – Kabul citizens launch a three-day campaign on cleaning, greening and painting the capital city of Afghanistan on the celebration of the traditional New Year holiday (Nawroz). With technical support from UN-Habitat, this activity intends to raise citizens’ awareness about the relevance of the sustainability of public spaces in our cities.


Edmonton conference bridges gap between climate change science and practice

Edmonton, 8 March 2018 – A conference convened by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and co-organised by UN-Habitat has, for the first time, put the science behind climate change in cities at the centre of the debate around action.

Cities IPCC, hosted by the Canadian city of Edmonton, culminated with the establishment of a global blueprint to better understand climate change, its impacts on cities, and the critical role localities play in solving this challenge.
