UN-Habitat and partners inaugurate second community garden in Gaza Strip

Beit Lahia, Gaza Strip, 29 August 2018 – Coinciding with the Joint UN Campaign in the State of Palestine to celebrate the International Youth Day, UN-Habitat jointly with UN-Women, the Palestinian Housing Council, Aisha Association for Woman and child protection, and Gateway recently inaugurated the second safe and inclusive community garden in Beit Lahia in Gaza Strip.


Participation and Exhibition during the Urban YouthConnekt Session 2018

Are you a young person, organization or company looking to share your innovations, models and knowledge on urban youth development in Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America? Would you like to be a speaker, exhibitor or moderator? Urban YouthConnekt Session 2018 to be held in Kigali, Rwanda is a perfect opportunity for you! If this is the opportunity that you have been looking for, please Africa Youth Connect Summit for details.


International planning experts promote Planning Guidelines in Japan and China

Fukuoka, Japan 22 August 2018—A group of experts and government representatives from around the world recently gathered in Fukuoka for the first ever Global Symposium on Urban and Territorial Planning.

This was a follow-up to an event four years ago when UN-Habitat invited international planning experts to conclude the drafting of the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP).



Statement by UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif on the passing of former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan

I join the Secretary-General of the  United Nations Mr. António Guterres in expressing my profound sorrow at the news of the death of the former United Nations Secretary-General and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Kofi Annan. He was an extraordinary global leader whose work transformed the lives of countless people. His humanity and compassion will live on as an inspiration to all in the United Nations and far beyond. My thoughts are with his wife and family.
