Cote d Ivoire - Boundiali
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Côte d'Ivoire: Profil Urbain de Boundiali (French)

La commune de Boundiali est le chef-lieu du département de Boundiali. elle est située dans la région des Savanes. Aucun fleuve ni cours d’eau d’importance ne traverse la commune. Le sénoufo est la langue parlée par tous, mais la langue du commerce est le malinké. Boundiali réunit une population de 39 965 habitants selon le district sanitaire de Boundiali.

Selon le recensement général de la population et de l’habitat de 1998, le taux de croissance annuelle du département est de l’ordre de 2,3 %. il demeure l’un des taux les plus faibles du pays car inférieur à la moyenne nationale (3,3 %). La part de la population de Boundiali par rapport à la population totale du pays est de 1,2 %. Le temps de dédoublement de la population est de trente et un ans. Le rapport de masculinité est de 103,4, selon l’enquête sur le niveau de vie des ménages de 2008, soit 103 hommes pour 100 femmes.

République du Congo
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République du Congo: Profil Urbain de Pointe-Noire (French Language Version)

Pointe-Noire est une ville de la République du Congo située au centre-ouest de l'Afrique sur la façade atlantique. Du fait de l'activité pétrolière et de son port en eau profonde, elle peut être considérée comme le poumon économique du pays.

La ville s’étend sur des terrains peu élevés, sa superficie actuelle est estimée à 114 400 ha. La ville est constituée d’une série de petits plateaux séparés les uns des autres par de larges zones insalubres, ce qui crée de graves problèmes d’assainissement et de communication. 

La population de la municipalité de Pointe-Noire est de 1 100 000 habitants, répartis sur 4 communes. La ville compte 48 % d'habitants de moins de vingt ans et 33 % de chômeurs. La langue la plus parlée est le kikongo suivie du français, langue officielle du pays.

Eritrea - national and cities
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Eritrea: National and Cities Urban Profile

Urban Profiling is an assessment of needs and capacity building gaps at the city level. It is currently being implemented in over 20 countries in Africa and the Arab States. Urban Profiling uses a structured approach where priority interventions are agreed upon through consultative processes.

The Urban Profiling methodology consists of three phases

(1) A rapid participatory urban profiling, at national and local levels, focusing on Governance, Slums, Gender and HIV/AIDS , Environment, and proposed interventions

(2) Detailed priority proposals

(3) project implementation. RUSPS in Eritrea encompasses a national profile, and a single profile for the cities of Asmara, Massawa and Mendefera. This national report constitutes a general background, a synthesis of the four themes, Governance, Slums, Gender and HIV/AIDS , and Environment, and priority project proposals, both at national and city levels.


Ethiopia National Urban Profil
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Ethiopia: National Urban Profile

In Ethiopia, the profiling was undertaken under the leadership of national and local authorities. This initiative has been carried out locally in Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Ambo, as well as nationally. The Ethiopia National Profile focuses on the findings of a desk-study, interviews with key actors, and country-wide consultations with key urban actors and institutions.

Consultation participants agreed to address the salient urban issues including poverty, insecurity, corruption, pollution and crime - all problems that negatively affect investments and economic development. A consensus was reached on priority interventions in the form of programme and project proposals to be implemented.

Ethiopia Ambo Urban Profile
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Ethiopia: Ambo Urban Profile

In Ethiopia, the profiling was undertaken under the leadership of national and local authorities. This initiative has been carried out locally in Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Ambo, as well as nationally. The Ethiopia National Profile focuses on the findings of a desk-study, interviews with key actors, and country-wide consultations with key urban actors and institutions.

Consultation participants agreed to address the salient urban issues including poverty, insecurity, corruption, pollution and crime - all problems that negatively affect investments and economic development. A consensus was reached on priority interventions in the form of programme and project proposals to be implemented.

Fiji - Lautoka Urban Profile
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Fiji: Lautoka Urban Profile

The Lautoka Urban Profiling consists of an accelerated, action-oriented assessment of urban conditions, focusing on priority needs, capacity gaps, and existing institutional responses at local and national levels. The purpose of the study is to develop urban poverty reduction policies at local, national, and regional levels, through an assessment of needs and response mechanisms, and as a contribution to the wider-ranging implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.

The study is based on analysis of existing data and a series of interviews with all relevant urban stakeholders, including local communities and institutions, civil society, the private sector, development partners, academics, and others. The consultation typically results in a collective agreement on priorities and their development into proposed capacity-building and other projects that are all aimed at urban poverty reduction.

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Gambia: National Urban Profile

The urban population in The Gambia stood at 53 percent of the total population in 2003. Increasing urbanization is causing stress on social services provided in urban areas with consequences of rising urban poverty. The Greater Banjul Area has the worst-case scenario - Banjul and its surroundings, the Kombos, constitute about 51 percent of the total population of the country. This high concentration of the population in this area has implications on poverty, particularly the growing incidence of urban poverty.

Rapid increase in urban population has been one of the major problems faced by The Gambia. In addition to loss of arable land in the Kombos, the rapid increase in urban population has brought with it several environmental and socio-economic problems including deforestation, soil erosion, pollution and waste generation, and stress on health, education, and employment services (Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2007-2011) The Gambia).

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Gambia: Kanifing Urban Profile

The urban profiling in Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC) consists of an accelerated, action-oriented assessment of urban conditions, focusing on priority needs, capacity gaps, and existing institutional responses at local and national levels. The purpose of the study is to develop urban poverty reduction policies at local, national and regional levels, through an assessment of needs and response mechanisms, and as a contribution to the wider-ranging implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The study is based on analysis of existing data and a series of interviews with all relevant urban stakeholders, including local communities and institutions, civil society, the private sector, development partners, academics, and others. The consultation typically results in a collective agreement on priorities and their development into proposed capacity-building and other projects that are all aimed at urban poverty reduction. Urban Profiling is being implemented in over 20 African and Arab countries, offering an opportunity for comparative regional analysis. Once completed, this series of studies will provide a framework for central and local authorities and urban actors, as well as donors and external support agencies.

Gambia Banjul Urban Profile
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Gambia: Banjul Urban Profile

The Banjul Urban Profiling consists of an accelerated, action-oriented assessment of urban conditions, focusing on priority needs, capacity gaps, and existing institutional responses at local and national levels. The purpose of the study is to develop urban poverty reduction policies at local, national, and regional levels, through an assessment of needs and response mechanisms, and as a contribution to the wider-ranging implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.

The study is based on analysis of existing data and a series of interviews with all relevant urban stakeholders, including local communities and institutions, civil society, the private sector, development partners, academics, and others. The consultation typically results in a collective agreement on priorities and their development into proposed capacity-building and other projects that are all aimed at urban poverty reduction.

Gambia Brikama Urban Profile
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Gambia: Brikama Urban Profile

The urban profiling in Brikama consists of an accelerated, action-oriented assessment of urban conditions, focusing on priority needs, capacity gaps, and existing institutional responses at the local and national level. The purpose of the study is to develop urban poverty reduction policies at local, national and regional levels, through an assessment of needs and response mechanisms, and as a contribution to the wider-ranging implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The study is based on analysis of existing data and a series of interviews with all relevant urban stakeholders, including local communities and institutions, civil society, the private sector, development partners, academics, and others. The consultation typically results in a collective agreement on priorities and their development into proposed capacity-building and other projects that are all aimed at urban poverty reduction. Urban Profiling is being implemented in over 20 African and Arab countries, offering an opportunity for comparative regional analysis. Once completed, this series of studies will provide a framework for central and local authorities and urban actors, as well as donors and external support agencies.