Handmade architecture as a catalyst for development - Anna Heringer, UNESCO Chair for Earthen Architecture

In this lecture, Anna Heringer presents a series of projects where the choice of building materials and techniques has had a major influence on distribution of resources, participation and equality. Emphasizing that 'we cannot build houses of only steel and concrete for seven billion people' she proposes a strategy of bringing global creativity to the local materials, local skills and local potentials.


Going Green
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Going Green , A Handbook of Sustainable Housing Practices in Developing Countries

The housing sector is in a prime position to mitigate climate change and make environmentally-friendly cities. Going Green provides an overview of sustainable housing practices with a focus on "green" building materials and construction technologies, and climate-responsive housing and settlement design.

However, improving the sustainability of housing is not only a technical challenge and this book shows how environmental aspects can be successfully interwoven with the social, cultural and economic milieu in which they are proposed, adopted and, ideally, scaled-up to meet the massive housing demand in developing countries.