Human First - Valuing what matters
Moving beyond traditional measurements to understand objective and subjective factors that contribute to what people really value, what factors influence their lives, and how satisfied they are.
Evidence-based decision making - Actionable insights for change
The Quality of Life Initiative will innovate in how data is collected, organized, and visualized. It will help local leaders better understand the needs of their community and strengthen links between performance measurement, decision making and the wellbeing of their communities.
Pioneering - Learning from partner cities to scale up actions
After extensive consultations for the measuring tool design, field testing, co-creation and validation will take place in cities from different regions. From this a high-quality, easy to use, and adaptable tool will be created and scaled-up in cities with different challenges, conditions, and at different stages of development.
Globally relevant, locally applicable - Establishing new global standards for local change
The proposed innovative measuring tool will address the fact that quality of life means different things to different people in different places. It will be able to help local decision makers better respond to their own challenges and priorities with the aim of improving the quality of life of their citizens.