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Consultations for the Creation of the Tool

The Initiative involves an inclusive process, consulting closely with local governments, academia, and experts from across the public and private sectors to establish a methodology applicable in various contexts. This co-creation and pilot-testing phase aims to identify the opportunities to effectively respond to the needs and support targeted investments / interventions for improved quality of life in partner cities. Concurrently, best practices and shared experiences will be collected, organized, and disseminated to facilitate the scaling up of the tool to additional municipalities worldwide. 

Pilot Cities

Several local governments across the world will play a pivotal role in co-creating and pilot-testing the measuring tool ensuring its robustness, global relevance, and local applicability. They will also demonstrate how a people-centred approach results in better outcomes for its inhabitants.

Technical consultations will include the possibility of innovation in the collection, generation, transformation and visualization of new forms of data. 

Adaptation of the Innovative Tool

As communities and cities are diverse, and complex, there will be contributions from a wide range of institutions, civil society groups, various levels of government, communities, and individuals. Participation is not only for the design of the tool, but also to address various human rights and societal issues such as gender imbalances, inequality and migration that affect quality of life, particularly for the most vulnerable groups. 

Strategic partnerships

The Initiative brings together partners and supporters including national and subnational governments, regional and national development banks, development agencies, academia, civil society, city networks, centers for innovation and international organizations. The Initiative and its key outcomes will be refined through lessons from consultations including Expert Group Meetings, Roundtables and city Workshops to ensure its applicability to different contexts and enable it to become a new global standard for measuring the quality of life in cities.  

Connect With Us

  • Interested in enhancing the quality of life in urban environments? We're specifically looking for cities, partners, and thought leaders eager to drive meaningful change. Let's collaborate to shape the future of our communities. Contact us at:

  • Interested in joining the Quality of Life Initiative as a city, country, or organization? Fill in our form to express your interest in partnering with us.