The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is a dynamic and multisectoral alliance of international partners committed to increasing access to land and tenure security for all, with a focus on the poor and women. The Network’s partners include international civil society organizations, research and training institutions, bilateral and multilateral organizations, and international professional bodies.
The Network develops, disseminates and implements pro-poor and gender-responsive Land Tools. These tools and approaches contribute to land reform, good land governance, inclusive land administration, sustainable land management, and functional land sector coordination.
Conventional approaches to land administration often fail to deliver the systemic and inclusive change urgently required, especially for the poor and vulnerable. It is estimated that the conventional land governance systems in many developing countries cover only about 30% of land – which is only a small proportion of the population, leaving out the often poorer majority. GLTN advocates for the recognition of a broader range of land rights and relationships to land including tenure security. These include individual, informal, customary, or group rights. Recognition of this important reality is at the heart of our work.