Training dates
Part 1: 29 November - 3 December 2021 (virtual)
Part 2: tentatively in mid-2022 (in-person)
Looking for ways to make your city more climate compatible, sustainable and resilient? Join this training course which overall objective is to contribute to an enhanced vision of Asian city leaders and senior managers in making their cities healthier, more resource efficient and resilient against natural disasters. UN-Habitat and the International Urban Training Centre (IUTC) are welcoming applications to participate in the training course now.
The course is practice-oriented and aims to inspire participants to identify preliminary urban resilience and green development actions for their cities. It offers a peer-to-peer learning environment for participants to discuss issues and knowledge gaps in addressing climate challenges through national and local policies, capacity development and knowledge management. This aims to stimulate the creation of a community of practice among Asian cities, as well as with other regions.
The training course has four key modules: 1) Introduction: provides an overview of the global situation regarding cities and climate change, 2) Climate Change and Urban Resilience in Cities: discusses ways cities contribute to climate change and explains how well-integrated urban planning can improve climate resilience, 3) Urban Health and Resource Efficiency: trains participants in key concepts of sustainable urban environment and urban environment management, 4) Action Plan for Urban Resilience: participants devising their own action plans for the implementation and localization of SDG 11 in their cities.
Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions, the first part of the course will be an online course with a combination of online lectures, facilitated and online group discussions. The second part of the course which is face-to-face training sessions will be done tentatively around mid-2022 in Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea, given the travel conditions are suitable.
Target groups
The workshop is tailored to respond to the challenges faced by local-level city mayors and senior managers who are directly involved in the planning, management and implementation of climate change policies and urban resilience programmes in Asian cities. For the virtual learning part, participants from other regions are warmly welcome.
Those working in local and national governments, NGOs, and private sector companies in the field of climate change and environmental resource management (water management, energy efficiency, green infrastructures, etc.) will also find the course extremely useful.
How to apply
Find the Application forms and training outlines attached below.