
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
In a world grappling with crises, cities emerge as pivotal agents of change. UN-Habitat’s 2023 report underscores the urgent need for urban transformation to tackle issues ranging from climate change to inequality,… Read more
Global Report
Rescuing SDG 11 for a resilient urban planet
The current report shows that the world is off track in achieving SDG 11. Rescuing SDG 11 is urgent for the sake of present and future generations. The report points to the immense opportunities that exist and the… Read more
Diagnosis note for liberia
Diagnosis Note for Liberia
This Diagnosis Note analyses the issues raised in the feasibility phase: it identifies urban trends in Liberia, priority opportunities and challenges. It also proposes key areas for consideration during policy formulation. The report is intended to be useful to policy makers and stakeholders involved in Liberia’s NUP development. It also has useful information for other local and national governments involved in a similar process.
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Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through urban climate action
Toolkits, Manuals and Guides
Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through urban climate action
This guide provides governments with practical opportunities for incorporating urban climate action and human settlement issues into NDC revision and enhancement processes. It is primarily targeted at national governments, specifically NDC coordination teams, but also provides insights for sub-national governments, the wider urban community, networks and non-governmental organisations aiming to support NDC enhancement and implementation process. It includes promising examples from submitted…
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Implementing the New Urban Agenda and SDGs in Liberia: Towards a National Urban Policy Second National Urban Forum Report - cover
Technical Report
Implementing the New Urban Agenda and SDGs in Liberia: Towards a National Urban Policy Second National Urban Forum Report
This report documents the key outcomes of discussions held during the second National Urban Forum (NUF) for Liberia in Monrovia on 26th November 2019.
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Policy Note for Liberia - cover
Policy and Strategy
Policy Note For Liberia
The Policy Note for Liberia summarises key outcomes of the feasibility phase of the NUP process in Liberia. It contextualises the situational analysis of the policy environment in Liberia and gives a summary of priority areas for NUP in Liberia.
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Pages from Cities_Liberia_WEB
A National Urban Policy for Liberia: Discussion Paper
The Discussion Paper is a key output of the feasibility phase of the NUP process in Liberia. It explains the context in which the policy will operate. The paper is a result of a wide range of research and consultations on the demographic, socioeconomic, and physical environment aspects of Liberia. It also provides preliminary policy recommendations for further analysis in the subsequent NUP development processes.
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Liberia Housing Profile Cover-image
Urban Profile
Liberia Housing Profile
The profile offers a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the country’s urban housing sector. The Profile contributes to the creation of a policy framework that enables the provision of adequate housing for all. It builds a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the urban housing sector that can serve as an authoritative reference point for all actors involved in the direct provision or enablement of housing
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Liberia Housing Sector
Urban Profile
Liberia Housing Profile
To contribute towards addressing this challenge, the Liberia Housing Profile offers a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the urban housing sector. The Profile contributes to the creation of a framework that enables provision of adequate housing for all. It builds a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the urban housing sector that can serve as an authoritative reference point for all actors involved in the direct provision or enablement of housing in Liberia.
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UN-Habitat Country Programme D
UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Liberia , HCPD
The Habitat Country Programme Document for Liberia outlines the main objectives and priorities for UN-HABITAT.
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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