The report has five sections. Section I outlines the global context in which we are faced with cascading crises and are not on track to achieve most of the Sustainable Development Goals, necessitating renewed multilateral responses. Section II provides concrete pathways for enhanced multilateral action along five key policy priority areas – housing, climate, urban crisis, localization of the Goals, and the urban economy – that offer opportunities to accelerate the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to make progress toward the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and other global agendas.
Section III discusses four critical enablers that can support progress on the five priority areas through more effective and inclusive multilateral cooperation. Section IV outlines the contribution of UN-Habitat to four opportunities for supporting Member States in inclusive and effective multilateralism. Finally, section V articulates the recommendations that emanate from multilateral engagement by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and outlines the structure of the UN-Habitat Assembly dialogue on the special theme.