The UN-Habitat Office- Spain and the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section, would like to invite you to join us on June 13th, 15th & 17th for the Virtual Expert Group Meeting (EGM): “Subnational Urban Policies - Towards effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda: Discussions from the Subnational level."
The engagement and/or leadership of sub-national governments in urban policy and strategies is a necessity as the battle for wholescale socio-economic development will be won or lost in territories and cities. Leadership at the national level, often through a National Urban Policy, is often needed in order to define the goals and vision for urbanization for the country. However, due to the complex nature of urban problems, the development and implementation of urban policy at the national level alone would, in most cases, prove unsuccessful for achieving a country’s broad urbanization goals. The cooperation with and empowerment of sub-national governments, therefore, is essential.
With the support of the Andalucia Cooperation Agency for Development, we would like to invite you to participate in this Virtual EGM, which will take place with the objective to critically review the role of the Sub-national Urban Policies (including strategies and agendas) as a practical mean to achieve the goals of global urban agendas.
Experts from different representing institutions including subnational governments from all global regions, international organizations, policy makers and urban specialists are invited to this meeting to share their experiences of developing and implementing subnational agendas and strategies, and to further discuss and review effective approaches used to implement the New Urban Agenda and the urban dimension of the SDGs.
Attached you may find the following supporting documents:
Concept note
Daily Agenda
Meeting guidelines
For more information, please contact: unhabitat-spain@un.org